Coupons For Good: How Mums Can Feel Beautiful + Charitable At The Same Time

Every mum wants to feel beautiful not only on the inside but also on the outside. As a mum, you spend so much time attending to your children’s needs that you don’t always get time to tend to your beauty needs. When you find makeup, lingerie, or perfume that you like and that makes you feel prettier on the outside, you feel great.

Then you discover the experiences of giving to a charity or helping out others in your community and find that giving makes you feel great on the inside. How can you feel beautiful on the inside and outside? You can buy beauty products that you love from companies that give to charities and that engage in philanthropic activities.


lifestyle, tips and tricks, beauty products, health and beauty, online shopping, shopping
Image via Flickr by ayelienne

Perfume is one of the simplest ways to make mums feel good about themselves. Whether you are staying home with kids all day or heading out with friends for the evening, the mere act of spritzing yourself with perfume perks up your senses and provides you with a boost of confidence.

Once you find a fragrance you like, you might find a money-saving Sephora coupon that lets you do some good in return for your purchase. You can be confident knowing that your purchases at Sephora allow this company to help people who live in communities that have been affected by natural disasters or other unexpected life-changing events.

The Body Shop

The Body Shop is another supplier of beauty products and supporter of charities. This company focuses on providing products that are natural and environmentally friendly. You can find natural products ranging from lip balms to lotions and hair products, and part of the proceeds go toward animal protection, human rights, and environmental protection charities.

Victoria’s Secret

Are you looking for something to make you feel pretty and attractive to your loved one? Find a new bra, panties, lingerie, or other intimate wear from Victoria’s Secret and discover how quickly you can feel beautiful on the outside. Better still, Victoria’s Secret is also a proud supporter of the American Cancer Society, Pelotonia, and several other related foundations.

When you shop at Victoria’s Secret using coupons from Goodshop, you get to feel pretty not only on the outside but also on the inside.


M·A·C is an excellent cosmetic company that provides women with a range of makeup and beauty supplies. You can find everything from mascara to lipstick and makeup brushes here. Before you finish shopping, find out which M·A·C product proceeds get directed toward the M·A·C AIDS Fund. Campaigns are continually changing, but when you buy the products from the current campaign, the funds go toward helping men, women, and children who are living with AIDS. Add a product from the campaign to your shopping cart and help M·A·C help those who have AIDS.

Find your beauty products at retailers that give something back to others in need. When you consciously make these shopping decisions, you can feel beautiful and charitable at the same time.

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Coupons For Good: 5 Hacks For Buying Charitable Christmas Gifts

Skip the traditional sweater, scarf, or soap set and give something meaningful this Christmas. Charitable gifts offer a heartwarming way to give back to others while also providing a special gift to someone special. Try the following five creative options for giving charitably this holiday season.

Give a Gift in Someone’s Honor

Christmas gift ideas, tips and tricks, shopping, online shopping
Image via Flickr by Natashi Jay

One of the most straightforward ways to engage in charitable gifting is to donate in honor of someone. Choose a gift adoption card from the World Wildlife Fund, and your recipients can redeem it for a symbolic adoption of the species of their choice.

The gift catalog for Heifer International includes gifts such as a pig, alpaca, or flock of geese. TisBest offers charity gift cards. These cards allow your recipients to choose the charity themselves from dozens of options so that they can support anything from veterans and disaster relief to animals with your gift.

Buy Goods That Give Back

Many companies make charitable donations to worthy causes for every purchase. For every pair of glasses you buy from Warby Parker, the company donates a pair of glasses to needy people in developing countries.

For every product purchased from SoapBox, a bar of soap is given to a person in need. Gifts like these ideas essentially double your giving. You’re gifting one product to someone on your shopping list and making a donation to someone else.

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Where To Get The Best Baby Products Online?

As parents, we only want what is best for our children. We painstakingly make sure that they grow up in a healthy loving environment and ensure that everything we buy for them, yes including the cute stuffed bear, the books, and the innumerable tiny clothes, all contribute to their growth and over-all well-being.

Shopping for baby products is not only tricky, it can also be hard on the pocket. Babies tend to grow too fast and before you know it, they’ve already outgrown half of the items in their closet. That is why mums and dads need to be resourceful, creative, as well as practical when buying items for their little ones.

One of the most convenient ways to shop for baby stuff is buying babies wear online. Not only is it convenient and easy, it also allows mums to browse through different baby items while comfortably working at home or looking after the baby.

I have been doing online shopping for a good number of years now and as always, I am excited to discover new and reliable online stores. Recently, I stumbled upon, This shop carries affordable and high-quality products not only for babies but for adults, too. Most of the items are up for free shipping and they also have patient and reliable customer service.

Here are a couple of my cute finds from this store:

children, clothes for children, online shopping, parenting 101

1. Tulle Ruffles Bow Bodysuit Romper Mini Dress for baby girls, $10.04. This is quite reasonable-priced for a high-quality item for children. This looks very comfy to wear and is even made from good-quality cotton.

Baby clothes these days have gone from being useful and basic to being very cute and stylish, and I am sure parents have no complaints as these fashionable baby wears make their babies and children look even better. And, of course, it is also up to us parents to help our kids develop a good taste in their choice of clothes, right? 

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