doctor!doctor! my son is sick!

What’s the first thing you do when your child falls sick? Call the doctor or ask your mom for a home remedy?

I wish I can enjoy the luxury of bugging my Mama whenever my son fell ill, am sure she has loads of home remedy to recommend, but, alas, I can only do that in my mind + in my prayers, which I think works just fine since Jared has never really fallen ill + I only hope it’s an ordeal I will never have to go through!

Almost all the time, when my little man gets sick, I will call or SMS his pedia immediately. I try hard not to bug her a lot but for my own peace of mind (+ better heath, now that you’ve mentioned it!) I keep her updated whenever I noticed something unusual or whenever Jared is not feeling fine.

Of course, I try not to be a maniacal worry wart most of the time (which is always the case whenever my son is feeling unwell) + try not to lose my head. It was a good thing the worse we’ve had to deal with so far is the almost-asthma-like episodes (I was so relieved when his pedia declared it as an isolated case, the experience is so horrible + Jared was so terrified of the nebulizer, I’d have to force the thing on him, + it was very heart-breaking on my part :()

What is the first thing you do when your child get’s sick? Share it with us at When SAHM-one Speaks

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