of my parents’ house + homes for sale

house for sale

My parents’ home is the only other home I’ve known all my life + even if I’ve lived in other much better houses in between whilst I was working in the city, it is actually the only one I considered my home since there lives my beloved family + it housed a lot of memories, dreams + aspirations of the younger me. Now, it also keeps in its walls a lot of precious memories of my little man. + ultimately, it housed a lot of memories of my childhood + my parents which are the only things I have of them left.

We have previously talked about plans of building a new home somewhere else. We have found a very suitable place to build it in a community which is only 20 minutes away from our old place. We talked over + over about how we’d want to have this or that in our new home + how I’d want to have a big lawn for Jared to run around + a garden patch to grow some organic vegetables + fruits, too! Ours is a good plan + we can never go wrong. Then only setback is that we do not have the means + finances to bring our goals into fruition! Now, therein lies the biggest of our problems!

The subject of putting our parents’ home up for sale also came up in one of our discussions. We have so many reasons to consider it:

  • it is not that much accessible + is 30 minutes away from the main establishments in the city, including Jared’s pedia’s clinic, the schools, the grocers, + the government offices like the psot office, + water + other utility providers
  • it takes  about $1.20-ride from the city center to get there + I would not even mention the amount one has to shell out to visit Manila
  • since the main road has been paved, a little amount of rain floods the front of our house, which turned rather ugly + unhygienic, especially during the rainy + typhoon months, + with a toddler in the home we cannot really afford to have mosquitoes swarming around everywhere, possibly carrying diseases like dengue, among others
  • it will incur an even greater amount of money if we are to renovate the old house, than building a new one + leaving the old one to one of my siblings seem like the most practical thing to do
It was all wishful thinking as of now, really, + we won’t be putting up those signs, that kansas city homes for sale have, any time soon. Well, maybe if we can save enough + put all our resources together we can build our dream house without having to sell the  old one someday soon.

image from https://www.123rf.com

I am participating in a blogger campaign for Bucks2Blog about kansas city homes for sale and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are 100% my own.
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