Of Long Weekends + Vacation Spas

A long weekend abounds and I am just glad that we’ve already gone out for a swim last week since we’ll be cooped up at home because the little man is a bit under the weather for a few days now {although I am glad that he is feeling better today}. Unlike us, I am sure lot of people are making the most of the long weekend by whisking away their families to the nearest beach or vacation spot. And one of those destinations that seem to have grown in popularity in the past few years are vacation spas. I have not experienced one yet but I would really love to and I’d bet all the crisp bills I have in my pocket now that I will absolutely enjoy it!  😀

Reviews, other reviews, site review, summer, summer vacation

Incidentally, I came across this awesome site on everything vacation spas: Live, Love, Spa. This is a one-stop shop for all your vacation spa need. They have chock-full of fresh ideas and insights on how to DIY a simple spa break at home, as well as tips on how to make the most of your spa vacation. What’s even better is that they have a database of the most reputable spas around and they will help you search for the nearest one to your location that matches all your spa needs and specifications. They even have a list of all the leading spa brands and events that will be of interest to you and your spa buddies.  Visiting their site with its easy-on-the-eye design almost feel like visiting a spa, too, and reading all those relaxing and pleasurable spa experience makes me want to go visit a vacation spa now! 😉

Have you tried vacation spas? How was your experience?

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chic in black monday 04: antique chair

This is a photograph of an antique two-seater chair which I took when we went on our summer outing a few weeks back. I simply adore it, so I went on to capture it on my camera. I’ve seen some of these in places I visited before, like in Quezon, + I think that it is one fascinating piece of furniture. One can easily introduce it to his home + instantly achieve that antique and rustic look, not to mention it will look just great in any part of the house, whether you prefer to keep it outdoors or move it to the terrace or a deserted corner in the living room. Very chic, I must say 😉

More chic black stuff here:

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a green summer getaway…

I am dreaming of a summer vacation, of hot sands beneath my unshod feet + endless walks along the beach, I am dreaming of long + lazy days near the ocean where I’d play + swim (or an imitation of it ;)) + do nothing + enjoy to my heart’s content. I was thinking, if I’d be given a chance to choose where to live, I’d instantly opt for somewhere near the beach, where I can learn how to swim like a mermaid + surf the wave much like those Hawaiian surfer dudes!

I am dreaming of seeing my son in this surrounding + how perfectly he’d fit in, I know the breeze, the sun, the vibe + the tide would give him endless delights + giggles!

But I am having second thoughts, what with all the radiation alert levels you’d read + hear plaguing Japan these days, particularly the Fukushima region where the Daiichi Plant is located. I read somewhere that the alerts have been raised to level 7, which is the highest level so far, even higher than the alert set during the Chernobyl explosion. Kind of alarming really! As much as I’d love for my son to experience the beach in all its grandeur, I think I’d skip for now, for safety reasons. We will be scouting for a good resort with a  pool, instead 😉

Whenever I think of summer vacations, I can’t help but think back to the one I had with my teammates a couple of years back, in Coco Beach near Puerto Galera. We had tons of fun + we absolutely enjoyed it (plus we get to go there for free, top that! ;))

If I will be given the chance, + if I’ll have the budget, I’d definitely love to go back…

This is my entry to this week’s

Love + Light,

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