Cough Symptoms to Look Out For in Your Child

parenting 101, tips + tricks, children health
Cough and cold symptoms go through schools and daycare facilities like wildfire, and sometimes it’s difficult to know when your child’s cough is a symptom of a minor bug and when it is more serious. Children, especially when they are very young, often cannot verbalize their symptoms effectively to tell you what they are feeling. Here are a few symptoms to look out for that could mean your child’s cough is serious.

Cough With Fever

When your child’s cough is accompanied by fever, this is a sign that you are dealing with more than a simple cold. Fever is associated with the flu and other viral and bacterial illnesses that can rapidly become serious enough to require hospitalization. If your child is less than three months old and has any fever associated with cough, or if your child is older and has a high fever (greater than 38.2 degrees), it’s time to consult your physician.

Cough With Cyanosis

Cyanosis, or a bluish tinge to the lips and fingernails, occurs when your child is unable to take in adequate amounts of oxygen. If your child has a cough, this may be due to either coughing so hard that he or she is having difficulty breathing, or due to the disease that is causing the cough making air exchange inside the lungs difficult. You may also see your child struggling to breathe or breathing much harder or faster than usual. These are all reasons to consult a physician immediately.

Cough With “Whooping” Sound

If your child has continuous fits of coughing, after which he or she takes a deep breath with a “whooping” sound, he or she may have whooping cough. This is a serious and highly contagious infection caused by the Pertussis bacteria, which often occurs in regional outbreaks. Although immunisation is recommended, sporadic whooping cough outbreaks still occur, and in young children, can cause brain damage and even death.

Cough With Blood

Coughing up blood is a sign that your child’s cough is severe enough to cause damage inside the airways and lungs. This damage makes it easier for bacteria to cause pneumonia, which can rapidly become serious and even life-threatening. It also can cause damage that is severe enough to cause scarring in the lungs and respiratory problems later in life. If your child is coughing up blood, consult a physician immediately in order to protect your child’s ability to breathe efficiently both now and later in life.

When your child coughs, look out for these symptoms to help you decide if your child has a simple cold that will soon pass and are able to use an over the counter cough medicine, or if he or she needs to see a physician for something more serious. When you know the signs of danger, you can feel more confident that you making the choice that is best for your child, and when in doubt, always consult a trusted healthcare provider.

Mandy is a stay-at-home mum with 2 children in primary school, in her past time she loves to garden, travel, bake and write blogs for other stay at home mums or just anyone who is interested in arts and crafts ideas.

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Planning For Your Child’s First Birthday Party

Reviews, other reviews, site review, online resources for mums

Our little one’s 1st birthday party is definitely one of the most momentous milestone in our childen’s lives, and of course, as dedicated mums, we would like to devout all of our time and energy to make sure that we are giving them the best first birthday bash. I remember when I was planning for my little man’s first birthday, I was giddy like a 5-year old and felt like a little girl given her very first doll to play with. It was an all new experience for me and I had no idea preparing loot bags for children can give me quite a high! 😀

I chose Pocoyo for our very first party theme as the little man was so enamored with this blue boy-of-few-words character. I had Pocoyo lootbags personalized and filled it with colorful and fun party favors that I was sure every guest will love and appreciate. I also DIY-ed a larger-than-life Jared standee as a party decoration. I also rummaged online in parenting forums and blogs for nifty party ideas and tips.

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one of the themes available at PartyPail, perfect for the little man’s next birthday!

If you are doing this for the first time, I am sure you are having butterflies in your stomach, but I am also sure you can go through it with flying colors. For themes, you might as well check out the PartyPail site. They have over 30 colorful and fun themes to choose from and I am sure you can find the best one that suits your little one’s taste. Avail of their 50% discount on tableware kits and get free shipping on your orders, too!  Planning for a child’s birthday party has never been this easy.

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Tips On Caring For Your Little One’s Pearly Whites

tips + tricks, children, children health, parenting 101

Caring for our little ones pearly whites starts long before their first tooth erupts. As early as possible, parents ought to introduce them to good oral hygiene, yes, even when they’re still so tiny that they cannot hold a toothbrush in their hands for a second or two. Babies healthy gums, after all, paved the way for healthy milk teeth, which later on yield healthy and strong permanent teeth onto our little one’s adult life.

You might think a little baby will put up such a fuss whenever you try cleaning their mouth after every feeding time, but mums should not give up and carry on cleaning our babies gums and teeth as long as we could. We must instill in them a good oral hygiene to prevent toothaches and scary dental visits in the future.

Here are a few tips on how to protect your child’s teeth:

  • Always clean your baby’s mouth after feeding and before going to bed ~ With or without those pearly whites, it is of utmost importance that we clean our babies’ mouth before they turn in at night. For infants, simply dampen a piece of soft cloth and wipe their tongues and along the gum lines, too. For bigger babies, there are various gum brush available in the market which you can use to clean your baby’s mouth.
  • Visit the dentist when the baby turns 1 ~ This is most ideal as the dentist can guide you on how to properly care for your little one’s teeth. You can also do your visit as soon as your child’s first tooth erupts so that the dentist can give you instructions on how to keep your child’s tooth in the pink of health
  • Introduce toothbrush as soon as the first tooth erupts ~ As I’ve mentioned, even if the little ones will only chew on it or play with it, get them accustomed to using toothbrush soon by introducing it to them as soon as possible. Make sure you buy dentist-approved Extra soft toothbrush that will protect your little one’s delicate gums.
  • Go easy on the sugary drinks ~ these drinks contain acid that will make your child’s teeth susceptible to decay. Instead of sweet juices, fill his bottles with water.
  • Improve mum and dad’s oral hygiene, too ~ tooth decay is contagious and if the parents are not careful they can pass this on to their children, too. So parents must book for dental appointments, as well, and brush as religiously as they can.

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