A Merry iPad Giveaway


Here is another awesome gadget giveaway brought to us by KnowYourTune. Get a chance to win a 16 GB 4th Generation iPad! All you have to do is follow all the Rafflecopter prompt to earn points.The giveaway runs until 30 December – that’s a whole month to complete the entries and earn points with daily entries too. It’s open to everyone – worldwide – one winner will receive an iPad with retina display, or the cash equivalent of $499 via Paypal whichever is preferred!

This giveaway is brought to us by Eatables, Explorations, Expeditions | Healthy Vain | Fancy Expeditions | Papers, Bills and Coins  | Che Wanders | My Kids… Their Journey  | My Online Journeys | Fashion Is My Passion | Late Bloomer Blog | Simplelize Tech Blog | Tech Crash | Online Gaming | Complete Personal Finance | Our Travels | Pets and Us | Vienna and Beyond |

Simply click here to join! Good luck everyone! 😉

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December Photo-A-Day Challenge #2: 2012 Events I Won’t Forget


Here’s my second entry to December Photo-A-Day Challenge and for today’s prompt, 2012 event I wont forget, these two events are shoe-ins:

blog hop, Jared, Jared'snook, Jared's firsts

Halloween 2012

This year’s Halloween was extra special as it was the first time the little man has don a costume and actually enjoyed doing it. He did not want to take his Batman costume off even when it was time for us to eat! He also won 3rd prize for best costume, so what more can we really ask for! 🙂

blog hop, Jared, Jared'snook, milestones, Jared's firsts

Our 3-day trip to Baguio

Another memorable event for this year will have to be our much-awaited vacation in the City of Pines. It was the first time we’re actually embarking on a long journey with the little man, and the first family travel we had in  years, so this one will really go down the books as one of my favorite parts of 2012. Jared enjoyed our trip very much that I hope we will have the chance to do this more often. I cannot wait to plan our travel adventure for 2013! By the way, you can check our more of our photos and our Baguio travel stories on my travel blog

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3 Ways for Mums to Save Money

money matters, money talks, tips + tricks

Whether you have one child or five children, I think that we can all agree that every mom wants to save money without depriving their kids of life’s little luxuries. Many parents want to give their kids the best of everything that they can in life, but many parents also feel that the only way to save money is by not spending any money — thankfully this is not necessarily true.

Spend and Save Money at the Same Time

As your kids grow up, their needs and personality change; this means that you will have to buy new clothes, get the hottest new toys, shop for school supplies, and enroll your kids in their favourite after school activities.  All of these things do cost money, but they don’t have to cost a lot of money.

Here are 3 tips to help you save and spend money on your kids:

Host a Swap Party. If you need new clothes for your kids, then the odds are that other mothers probably do too. Call all of your mommy friends, invite them to come over for a play date (so no one has to worry about hiring a babysitter), and tell them to bring all of their unused or outgrown toys and clothes. This is a great way to reuse and recycle your kid’s clothes and toys; it’s also a great way to find some new products for your kids. Swap parties are most successful if you invite moms who have kids with a variety of different ages. Swap parties are kid-friendly and budget friendly at the same time.

Sign Up and ‘Like’ your Favourite Brands. Many different companies want to spread the word about their products and services online because it is the fastest and most cost efficient way to market their brand. If you ‘Like’ a company on Facebook and you ‘Follow’ them on Twitter you may receive exclusive discounts, deals and product offers. It is also a great idea to sign up for a company’s newsletter because they sometimes send advance purchase notices for products and exclusive coupons for some of their most popular products to anyone who subscribes to their (usually monthly) newsletter.

Reuse and Recycle. If you are planning to have more than one child then don’t throw anything out and don’t downsize because you will need everything again in a couple of years. Having kids within a couple years of each other can save you a lot of money because you can keep your baby furniture, clothes and toys for your second (or third) child. If you don’t mind storing your items for a couple of years this is a great way to save money.

Kristina is a lifestyle and personal finance blogger who also contributes to QuickQuid – UK’s premier online loan lender. You can view her posts on QuickQuid and you can follow her on Twitter @TKBlogs.

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