Mum Reads: Scholastic’s The Path to Possibilities: How Stories Can Reach A Global Audience

books, events, children, mum reads, reading, book fair, tips on writing, writing, writing tips

It was a weekend well-spent with like-minded people who share my passion for reading and Harry Potter at the National Bookstore’s Philippine Readers and Writers Festival 2017. It was even better that I tagged my budding little reader and siblings along. The event was a 3-day affair with each day filled with meaningful talks about writing and reading, meet and greet opportunities with famed authors, as well as a chance to purchase books at a discount. I was able to participate in Scholastic’s The Path to Possibilities: How Stories Can Reach A Global Audience.

The key topics discussed during the event include:

  • How Harry Potter started as a children’s book and ended as a book for all ages
  • The maturity of Rowling’s writing through the years and how her characters matured with the readers
  • The reading trend in the Philippines
  • The type of books that children and young adults read
  • How can writers tell stories that will be appealing to a global audience and children
  • How important it is for a writer to include local content and Asian elements into a story and how does it impact our children’s identities

J.K. Rowling is and always will be the epitome of impeccable writing skills and her creation, Harry Potter, lives on to be one of the most beloved children’s book character the world over, enjoyed and appreciated both by adults and young readers alike. The way Rowling made her hero ordinary and take on and do extra-ordinary things are what probably captures the readers’ hearts, but more importantly the excitement of how Harry and his friends grew along with the readers is what captivated the readers for years. The first book of the series, Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, but the world will probably never have enough of Harry Potter and his world long after his adventures at Hogwarts ended.

Exclusive Recorded Video By Barry Cunningham

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Thankful Thursday: Of Living Life With Gratitude

This week I am thankful for:

:heart: afternoon naps
:heart: snuggles
:heart: that brown butterfly visiting my plants that, for a while, seemed to refuse to leave {now that I think about it, am not sure if he was the one from our cocoon or just checking if his friend has already gotten his wings}
:heart: renewing all my domains and blog hosting for this year. Thankful as always for the provision and the blessings I continuously get through my blogs. Saving up $$ now for next year’s renewal fees!
:heart: options and opportunities to secure my little one’s future
:heart: random acts of kindness
:heart: opportunities to help spread cheer and kindness through postcrossing
:heart: the news on the new “Perfect” video coming out this week {shouts out to fellow Ed Sheeran fans!}
:heart: learning about time sickness and ways not be overwhelmed, overcome, and victimized by time and working with it, instead, to allow life to flow smoothly. All thanks to Oprah and Deepak’s 21 Day Meditation Experience {I’ve just finished doing the first week with my little man, who is now more excited to do meditation before bed}
:heart: Citang’s Relyenong Bangus
:heart: for realizing my goal to get my SSS contributions and dues up-to-date {just a few payments left to have this year’s dues done. Working to update my PhilHealth contributions next}
:heart: for surprises in the mail {just received a Christmas card from our postman whilst drafting this post}

What are you grateful for today?

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Vacation for Two: Travel Tips for Single Mums

There was a time when a vacation for single-parent families meant a couple of weeks with the grandparents. Not anymore. The world of travel is waking up to the number of single parents wanting a much richer experience. There may be a way to go before arranging a trip is as easy as for a two-parent family, but the opportunities are growing all the time, even for destinations as far afield as South Africa.

The Problem

Traveling with kids is never easy, but for a single parent, it is more than twice as hard. There are reasons for this:

  • The chances are that you do not have a lot of money to spare
  • The attention demanded by your kids is even more relentless than when you are at home
  • Too many leisure facilities and hotels are geared up for couples and two-parent families


Try to reduce the stress by doing everything that you can in advance. Check-in and print out your boarding passes in advance. Make sure you have the correct documentation—some countries expect authorization from both parents before allowing children to travel overseas.

Look out for priority security line for families. If you have to use the mainline, refuse to be flustered by officials trying to move you along. Make use of priority boarding on flights, and if possible wait till everyone else is off before you disembark. For a smooth-sailing trip, do not forget to pre-book services like, in advanced.

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