4 Tips To Improve Morning Routines

tips + tricks, pr, tot schooling
image is from freedigitalphotos.net

Now that my little man is finally attending regular school, I am sure our mornings will never be the same again. I know that there will be a good amount stressing, coaxing, and rushing so we won’t be late for school and we might be able to do the gazillion things we need to do before we leave for school.

I am sure it is no different in any other mums household, that is why I am sharing these 4 tips on how we can improve our morning routines, courtesy of our friends from Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water. Read on and I am sure you will find a tip or two handy. Here’s to less chaotic mornings in our homes! 🙂

No matter where you are in the world, mornings play out the same way for mothers everywhere: chaotic, and never as organized as they want it to be. Mothers everywhere, whether they are working or full time, often wish their mornings are more peaceful and less stressful. Make your mornings calmer with simple mommy approved tips that will surely go a long way:

  1. Start the night before. The only way to start your day right is if you organize everything the night before. Make sure all your kids’ projects, bags, and anything else they may need for school are already prepared and by the door. This way, you don’t spend a large chunk of your time putting things in its proper places, or scrambling to find something your kids need in the last minute.
  2. Refer to one calendar only. Each family member has a different schedule, but that doesn’t mean this schedule should be placed in different calendars. Organize your days by making sure you only refer to one calendar, this way you avoid overlapped appointments that only cause stress. Make it even easier by syncing online calendars, so that everyone knows where everybody is.
  3. Be mindful of the time each activity consumes. We’re all guilty of underestimating the time it tasks to do any given task, like groceries, and even picking kids up at school. Provide an allowance for unavoidable delays such as traffic jams and long lines. Use the downtime as well to catch up and take a breather.
  4. Be strict about work time, home time, and me time. Moms are masters at multi-tasking, but it can also take its toll on your health. Focus on one task at a time, especially when it involves time for yourself. The more relaxed you are about your workload, the better your interaction with the kids will be.

Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water in a nutshell

Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water is certified and approved by the Bureau of Food and Drugs for meeting the country’s highest and strictest bottled drinking water standards. It is a member of the International Bottled Water Association, and is the first and currently the only brand in the country to receive a National Sanitation Foundation certification. For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/AbsoluteDistilledWater.

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8 Things Every Mum Must Know About Finance

money talks, money matters, mum's thoughts, tips + tricks

Among the many roles we have to play as mums, we also have to be financial-savvy to be able to help stretch the family budget, augment the family income and, hopefully, save enough for our children’s college fund and our retirement. It is no easy feat, but here are a few tips shared by our friends from MoneyMax.ph, the Philippines’ leading financial comparison portal which helps Filipino consumers make the right financial decisions as they settle on the best credit card, home loan, broadband plan, and more—fast, comprehensive, and free.

money talks, money matters, mum's thoughts, tips + tricks

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, being the queen of the house is a tough profession more than the royals. Among all the physical and emotional pressure, the stress of financial management is a big, exhaustive chunk to what Moms juggle every day.

Here are some tips for all you superheroes:

Expense Tracker

As the resident Chief Finance Officer, you should have at least an overall idea of the cash flow of everyone in the family. Track their expenses and help them improve it. It will help you come up with a monthly expenditure plan for your family. Visuals are great tracking channel – let everyone in the house know the value of income and expenses of each.

Grocery shopping

No one in the house knows better than you do when it comes to household supplies. You have the power to do the budgeting and listing of your grocery items. Shop for groceries on your preferred schedule – weekly or bi-monthly or monthly. Doing this can reduce your transportation costs and you could devote your travel time to more important things. Also, involve your kids on grocery planning and shopping. It is a good chance to teach your kids on budgeting your finances out of a given allowance, plus a good source of bonding as well.


Be in-the-know: watch the news or subscribe to rollbacks and price hikes so you would know when to buy an item more or when to avoid an item because of higher prices. Update your shopping list in a manner that is dependent on the price changes of each and every item. For example, you can buy more products in your shopping list that cut its price to get the most out of your spending.

Credit Card Perks

There’s a whole ton of perks you can get if you play your {credit} cards right. Almost every bank offers credit card rewards that moms can take advantage of. For example, you can take your whole family out on a date with half-price tickets to musicals and a delicious lunch at 50% off.

Another unique advantage of credit cards is that you can use it for online shopping. Besides being able to scour online reviews on products that you want to buy, you’ll also save time, money, and effort because you don’t actually have to get out of your chair to do your shopping. Just make sure to keep your credit card information secure.

But… Don’t give in too much to rewards

If you focus more on coupons, deals, rewards, rebates, you may end up paying for more than the promise of saving more. Don’t get tempted on adjusting your finances by overspending just to avail a certain promo or reward points.

Window Shopping

Don’t spend too much time on window shopping. Going to malls just to window shop especially on items that you just want won’t be healthy on your finances and self-esteem.

Brand Conscious

Be a wise consumer; don’t focus on the brand, but more on the quality and value of money. After all, what matters is how you’ll use it. If you’re eyeing for something you want to wear, it will depend on how it will look on you and how comfortable you’d be in it. Gadgets, furniture and appliances’ longevity will always depend on how you use it.

Digital Lifestyle

Improve your ways by feeling right about the digital world. For sure, it will be hard in the first stints and when you’re not used to it, but as soon as you get along, everything will be as easy just like every single thing you do in the household. Paying your bills online, online bonding with friends, etc. can only be beneficial to you in every sense possible.

second image is from freedigitalphotos.net

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5 Heart-warming Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

I know that if my own Mama was around, I would really give her something extra special for Mother’s Day just to show how much I appreciated all her love and affection and all her support and efforts while raising me and my siblings. Being a mother is no easy task and it is only now that I have a child of my own that I fully understood why mums do what they do. To celebrate Mother’s Day, we will be visiting our Mama at the memorial and offer flowers, candles and prayers for her. I know that she will be happy looking down on us from the heavens as we remember her everyday, especially on the special day for mums.

Most people will be luckier to have their mums around on Mother’s Day and I do hope they won’t waste the chance to tell and show their mums just how much they love them. Love and appreciate them while they are around. And while you are at it, here are 5 heart-warming gift ideas that I am sure your mums will definitely enjoy:

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