5 Weight Loss Hacks For Busy Mums

tips + tricks, lifestyle, simple pleasures, health

It sure is very difficult for mums to stay in shape, what with a horde of stuff we need to do day in day out. Sometimes, we are too busy taking care of our families and our children that we find it a struggle to set aside a portion of our time for relaxation and pampering. Chores keep piling up and online deadlines come one after another, that we find ourselves spinning like tops, finishing tasks upon tasks. I know, our numerous duties and responsibilities often leave us breathless that we almost always find ourselves running out of energy at the end of each day.

Working out and staying in shape is but one of the things we seldom find time for in the midst of our busy parenting life. I should know, as the number of hours I have worked out constantly diminished since I had my child and as he grows older, I find myself constantly seeking opportunities to hit my mat but to no avail. It sure is never easy but it is also quite comforting to know that in between chores, fetching our children to and from school and the numerous activities they have signed up for this summer and the assortment of other things we need to do, we can still find a smart way to lose weight, if we consciously aim for it and allot even a few minutes of our time each day for our weight loss pursuits.

tips + tricks, lifestyle, simple pleasures, health

Here are a few weight loss hacks even the busiest of mums will find easy enough to follow and practice on a daily basis:

  • Choose to always be active ~ it might be easier said than done but in your daily activities always choose to be active. Opt to walk, if given the chance, and skip the lift as much as you can so you can take the stairs. If you have the opportunity, bike around the neighborhood or when you do errands nearby. The little ones are the perfect examples of active individuals, so it will prove beneficial to take their cue and be up on your feet as much as you can. Running around with your tots and playing with them will not only be a perfect way to bond with your children but also to keep fit.
  • Incorporate work-out with your chores ~ fitness expert acknowledge the busy lives that mums these days lead, that is why they have also came out with work-out and exercise routine that mums can do right in the comfort of their own living room or while washing the dishes or cleaning the home. Nowadays, the world wide web is teeming with resources  and articles on how you can perform easy-to-do exercises at home. This Wiki article on how to exercise is a perfect example. There is no need to enroll in expensive gym class or invest on pricey and complicated gym equipment, just turn on your laptop and follow the simple steps on how you can work out while doing the laundry or tending to your children.
  • Make your smart phone a weight loss ally ~ make the most of your android or iOS phones and use them to work to your advantage. These days there is an assortment of weight loss and work out apps you can download to assist you in your weigh loss quest. You can also download one of those dieting and nutrition apps to aid you in deciding which food and meals can help you achieve your ideal weight without starving yourself.
  • Do a clean sweep and rid your house of temptations ~ it is rather ironic that you’d feel the urge to pig out and eat stuff while you are on diet. To solve this dilemma, think ahead of yourself and clear your pantry of food items that you are not suppose to eat while you are struggling to lose weight. Get rid of those chips, cookies and biscuits, as well as of those sweet desserts that will only sway your resolve. Instead, fill your refrigerator with fresh fruits and juices, as well as healthier snack alternatives like nuts and chopped veggies.
  • Always hydrate with water ~ colored drinks, like soda and iced tea, can really be quite tempting especially in this scorching heat when you want to feel refresh and fast. Unfortunately they also add up on pounds, no matter how good they taste. To be on the safe side, stash your drinking bottle with water at all times and always opt for H2O instead of its colored contemporaries.

images are from freedigitalphotos.net

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Fun Stuff To Do at Home To Switch Off For Earth Hour

tips + tricks, earth hour, Mother Earth

It is Earth Hour once again and it is time to switch off the lights at home for an hour to be one with a lot of people all over the world who joined hands to help save our Earth. We have been participating with Earth Hour since the little man is 2 years old and even when he is just a little tot, it was never too early to educate him about helping save our Planet Earth and lending his stubby, little hands to make a difference.

You might think it will be quite boring to turn off everything for an hour, lights at home, gadgets and the telly, but come to think of it, there are a number of fun and enjoyable stuff you can do with your little ones while you switch everything off for an hour in honor of Earth Hour and Mother Earth, here are a few suggestions you might want to try:

  • Observe and count stars ~ they have always illuminated the night sky, but when was the last time you stopped from your busy schedule to look up and count the stars. Little tots will absolutely enjoy this activity and will help with their counting, too!
  • Tell scary stories ~ this used to be a favorite pastime for children of earlier generation, but for children in this day and age, this is quite a novelty and something that they will truly enjoy. Take turns exchanging scary stories. The total darkness will help contribute to the eerie and creepy tales.
  • Play With Your Shadows ~ if you have a little child that is simply fascinated with shadows {like mine}, this will prove to be something he will appreciate. Take turns in making or spotting those shadows. You can also tell stories while you are at it.
  • Participate in an Earth Hour event in your city ~ we only stayed at home to observe Earth Hour the previous years, but a local mall is hosting their very own Earth Hour event this year, so am seriously contemplating on giving it a try. I am sure it will be more exciting to celebrate Earth Hour with people of like mind who share our passion to help save the Earth. Check with your local malls for their very own Earth Hour events. Robinsons and SM Malls organize interesting activities people can participate in during Earth Hour.
  • Camp out in your living room ~ camping out is something every kid and kid-at-heart will enjoy. Set up your child’s tent in the living room and camp out there during Earth Hour. If you do not have a tent, you can always improvise with a blanket or a big piece of cloth to create a  makeshift tent. 

To know more about Earth Hour and for tips on how you can participate, do not forget to hover over Earth Hour’s website, https://www.earthhour.org/

image is from earthhour.org

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Parenting 101: Let The Children Be

motherhood, mum's thoughts, parenting 101, tips + tricks

Don’t you sometimes wish you can simply tell your child what to do and what not to do? It is rather frustrating that they oftentimes disobey what we have just told them not to do so they can do the exact opposite. I have had one too many of those episodes. A number of them caused unnecessary stress, frustration and embarrassment. But the thing is, our children, as much as we’d like for them to be everything that we would have wanted and envisioned them to be, are beings with minds and feelings of their own. Even when we have the best of intentions, things will most of the time not work out the way we planned for them to be. The little one might want to eat noodles instead of the nutritious, healthy meal we’ve painstakingly prepared for him, he might want to watch more telly than do the sheet exercises we have scheduled for him that day, he would have totally deviate from what we have planned for the weekend family time. No matter how much we planned even the minutest details in our little ones lives, there is no guarantee that they would follow those.

It might be a bit difficult to wrap our minds around the idea that things may not work out the way we plan, but what is more important is that we allow room for them to grow, explore and test their limits or their newly-found independence. I know, it is easier than done. And if you are an OC-ish mum like me, that does not make the job easier. But we are our children’s guardians for a reason and our primary duty is to protect their interest and nourish them as they blossom into the being that they are made to be. 

The image above pretty much sums up everything that our little tots need to learn to be great adults when it is their time, it is challenging in itself without having mum throwing numerous suggestions or bossing them around. It is probably a good idea to rest easy on our children and let them be. They sure will be young for a short while so let’s all do the best we can to make it worthwhile.  And, yes, I am also making it my 2014 goal to say “yes” to my little man more often.

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