Tips + Tricks: How To Stay Calm Under Pressure

One skill that’s worth learning is how to stay calm under pressure. There are many life situations that’ll have you thinking how happy you are that you know what to do when you encounter a tough circumstance. The alternative is embarrassing yourself and living with regrets.

Play to your strengths and understand what you do best as you attempt to train yourself to keep your cool in sticky situations. Know that it can be learned and you’re capable of managing yourself if you stay focused. Be kind to yourself in the process and understand that you’ll make mistakes. See how to stay calm under pressure.

Prepare in your Off Time

tips and tricks, health, health and wellness

What you do when you’re not in a challenging situation matters a great deal. Do whatever it takes to learn breathing techniques that slow your body down and ways to handle stressful encounters. Managing your stress is a big one that you should pay attention to as you learn how to deal with high-pressure situations. Exercise, eat right and meditate to keep your mind and body level at all times. It’s just like getting ready for a race or presentation. You’re preparing for the worst, even when you’re feeling good.

Problem Solve

You’ll stay calmer under pressure when you know how to problem solve, instead of going into full panic mode. For example, if you have hard drive failure call the professionals who you know can fix your problem. This is better than trying to do it yourself and making it worse. Complaining and throwing a fit only makes you look bad. Using your problem-solving skills to find a solution will deliver results and allow you to move forward with your day.

tips and tricks, health, health and wellness

Talk to Someone

If you’re irritated and don’t feel like what’s going on is fair, then talk to someone. Open up and share how you’re feeling and what’s bothering you. The other person will listen and offer up advice that you can take or leave. This is better than yelling at a person involved and saying words that you’ll later regret. Find someone who’s removed from the situation and can offer up an outsider opinion on the matter. Even if you don’t leave with a solution, getting the story off of your chest will help calm you down.

Stay Present

Focus on the present moment when you’re under pressure. Notice where you are, who you’re with and think before you speak or act. Notice your thoughts as they pass by and grab the ones you determine are worth sharing. Staying in the moment allows you to deal with the issue at hand and not other problems or worries that are going on outside of your current situation. Be present and try to understand what’s unfolding right in front of you and what you have control over at the time.

Mum’s Two Cents

You’re going to encounter uncomfortable circumstances in life. Although it’s not ideal, try to make the best of the situation. This is how you can stay calm under pressure.

:camera: via Pixabay

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Mum Finds: The Smallest Nebulizer From Omron

health, mum finds, health and wellness, health products for the family, healthy deals

We’ve been living with our trusty nebulizer ever since the little man was diagnosed with asthma in 2011. Although it is bulky and noisy {Jared used to dread its buzzing sound when he was little and would always wake him up even in the wee hours of the morning}, I am thankful that we have one at home, especially after our scary asthma episode when he was just 3 years old. Even now that my son no longer gets attacks, it gives me peace of mind to know that we have a nebulizer handy in case we might need one.

We know that most nebulizers existing in the market now are bulky, big, and noisy, so when I was invited to an event that will showcase the smallest and lightest tabletop nebulizer, manufactured by a trusted brand, Omron, I knew I had to see it for myself.

#BreatheEasy With Omron Event

The Breathe Easy With Omron event was hosted by Omron, a global brand founded in 1933 and a leader in advanced automation, Sensing and Control Technology, and home healthcare. It was held at Stacy’s in Bonifacio Global City.

The event started with a presentation from Dr. Anjanette De Leon, MD, about the usual causes of asthma and other respiratory diseases along with the ways these conditions can be managed.

Asthma in children can begin at any age, with most children starting to show symptoms before they reach the age of 5. The airways of the lungs become irritated and swollen during an attack, making it difficult to breathe. Asthma, in fact, is the most common chronic respiratory ailment in infants and children, which also makes it the leading cause of pedia visits and hospitalizations.

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Press Release: Asia CEO Awards + Healthway Medical Recognize Workplace Health + Wellness

Healthway Medical seeks to encourage companies to prioritize the health and well-being of their employees with this year’s “Wellness Company of the Year” award, a new category in the prestigious Asia CEO Awards.

Sponsored by Healthway, the award is open to any Philippines-based organization that successfully health and wellness in the workplace. The achievement can also come in the form of an organizational policy designed to support employee health. The overall accomplishment must demonstrate talent performance at the highest standards.

The criteria are as follows:

  • Management Achievement ~ The nominated organization must present specific health and wellness programs that improved employee health and productivity.
  • Workplace Enhancement ~ The nominated organization’s achievements must include improvements in employee health as measured by improved rates of employee engagement, attrition, retention and absenteeism.
  • International Recognition ~ The nominated organization’s accomplishments must be internationally recognized. This may involve situations where health and wellness practices developed in Philippines also enhanced processes in other countries.
  • Financial ~ The nominated organization must show how health and wellness programs reduced health care costs, increased employee motivation and diminished absenteeism.
  • Social Commitment ~ The Board of Directors must demonstrate a commitment to the development of healthy lifestyles to people outside of its organization.

The majority of the results, new activities or initiatives should have occurred within the current calendar year but may have begun earlier.

If your company is riding high on employee engagement and productivity, now is the time to nominate your healthy workplace and be recognized as the as the Wellness Company of the Year!

Nominations are accepted until August 28, 2017 only.

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