snacking sans the guilt with soyami

soyami, healthy eating, snacks

I have always been an advocate of healthy eating  but, sometimes, try as I might, I am guilty of mindless snacking, eating chips, chocolates + candies to satisfy my craving or, sometimes, just so I can pass the afternoon downtime away. I know that I have to curb the junk food consumption if I aspire to train my little one to be a healthy eater. I ought to live by example by practicing what I intended to teach him as early as now.

It was a good thing I discovered this healthy snacking alternative, that will let me munch away sans the guilt + the health-hazard that went with eating junk food + sweets ~ Soyami Soya Chips! + what’s even better, it is just so yummy + so healthy, I can even give it to my little one during snack time 🙂

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