what to do when your mattress is a mess?

Accidental spillage, spit-ups or mess? I guess you will get those a lot especially when you are living with a toddler. In fact, our week actually begin with one of those episodes early this morning + on a Monday, at that!

My little man have such a very sensitive tummy +, much to my worry, is so much prone to throwing up, especially when he is down with coughs + colds. Last night, for no apparent reason, though, he just threw up after finishing a bottle. It was a good thing I had enough sense to put him away from the sofa before he did. Saves me a lot of trouble, I tell you. Only, this morning me + the mattress was not that lucky. + I would ‘ve probably gone bonkers if I happen to have a memory foam mattress 🙁

So despite the gloomy, rainy weather, I had to wash the bedsheet + the pillow cases + mop the bedroom floor, too. I have to put off airing the mattress out until the sun is all sunny + up again, though. It was a good thing the mattress is not that messy this time around. I just have to turn it over so we can use it tonight.

Maybe it is high time I invest in one of those bed covers to prevent this episode from happening again in the future + from taking its toll on my mattress. Oh, in times like this don’t you just wish mattresses comes with their very own cleaners to save you all the trouble? But if your is much like mine, you can try these helpful tips:

  • the sun is a good + cheap natural deodorizer, so make it a habit to take your mattress outside at least once a month.
  • to remove urine stain, you can use a mixture of 1 part white vinegar + 2 parts dishwashing liquid. don’t forget to remove as much urine from the mattress using paper towels before applying the mixture. let it sit for 30 minutes before removing it with a clean, wet sponge.
  • to remove vomit odor from your mattress, pour a generous amount of baking soda on every area that is affected by the vomit. let that sit for about an hour after vacuuming the baking soda away. for good measures, spray your favorite fabric spray onto the mattress until it soaked. Air it out to dry.
To keep your mattress in good condition for the longest time, don’t forget to:
  • Turn it mattress over every 6 months to make sure it wears evenly
  • Remove dust that builds up on your mattress
  • Get your mattress a waterproof bed cover for extra safety measures
  • Put it outside for a good sun bathing to remove unpleasant odors 
  • Don’t let children make an improvised trampoline out of your bed + if possible, make sure they only use the bed for sleeping
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Cheap Place For Your Family

home, tips + tricks, parenthood

You’re biting the bullet: it’s time to go apartment hunting. Unfortunately, you’re on a tighter-than-tight budget. What amenities do you have to sacrifice in exchange for cheap housing? What should you avoid? And what tips and tricks can you use to snag a cheaper rent?

Renting on a budget doesn’t have to be a nightmare, even when scouting out apartments in New York City. Here’s everything you need to know about finding a cheap place for your family in a big city.

Choosing a Location: Safety Should Be Your First Priority

It’s never okay to sacrifice your family’s safety for a cheaper rent. Your peace of mind is worth far more than savings. You can change anything about your apartment’s aesthetics, but you can’t change its location.

That doesn’t mean location can’t play a factor in saving money on your monthly rent. Choosing an older or less trendy neighborhood can mean huge savings in your rent. Get to know all the neighborhoods in your city. Venture out and explore your city by foot to get a feel for the different vibes within each neighborhood. Though a neighborhood may have more mom-and-pop joints than trendy bistros, it can still offer your family a wonderful place to live.

Another way to save money based on location is to choose housing that’s more “off the beaten path.” The farther you are from bus stops, subway stations, and highways, the cheaper your city rent will be. If you don’t mind walking an extra 5 to 10 minutes each day, you may enjoy a significantly lower rent.

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it pays to be money-wise

money matters, home, parenting

If money grows on trees, I bet none of us would have to endure trying to stretch our measly budget until the next paycheck comes. Or worry about the monthly car or house amortization or school tuition. Before proceeding further on, let me just tell you that I am no expert, + I would really need a master’s degree before I start discussing about anything that has to do with finance + money or I am not really sure whether I can give you a sound advice on business funding or credit card factoring + make it sound believable, but I am mum, anyway, + somehow it comes with the territory to be a jill-of-all-trade of sorts.

Believe it or not, it does not really take a master or a pro to be money-wise + somehow we just need to follow our guts + we can all be budget-savvy mums in no time, in our own little way.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Monitor how your money comes + goes by grabbing a notebook + listing down all your expenses, include your budget, too, so you will have a clear picture of how much you earn + spend for an entire month. This way you can easily see where you saved or overspent.
  2. Make an inventory of your pantry + make a list of all the grocery items you will need for the next week. This will keep you from buying unnecessary food items in the grocer’s rack the next time you do your groceries, preventing future food spoilage, too. Make a mental note to stick to your list at all times, as well! 🙂
  3. Take advantage of end-of-season sales when buying clothes + stuffs for yourself + your kiddos. That way you save by getting exactly what you needed {a pair of pajamas or pants for your toddler or a blouse for you + the little girl} at less, or sometimes even half, the price.
  4. Teach your little ones to be money-savvy, too, by getting them individual piggy banks. Now is the most opportune time to teach them about saving. You also need to walk the talk so getting a piggy bank for yourself will also be ideal.
  5. If you were like most of the mums I know, you are probably online a lot of time, so take advantage of those online groupon sites that offer deals for children’s toys + books, admission to amusement parks or travel deals, that will enable you to have a great bonding time with your family at a steal.
  6. Use them coupons. It is high time you notice those discount coupons handed out in the malls during weekends or those inserts in your monthly mum publications. A 10 to 20 percent discount is better than nothing at all + getting them for free only by cutting + keeping those coupons is not really a bad deal.
  7. Use those loyalty cards that will allow you to gain points + hopefully shop cashless in the future.

There are really endless ways on how we can stretch our budget much further + it only takes a dash of resourcefulness + a little bit of creativity. So, here’s to a budget-savvy you in 2012! 🙂

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