5 Things To Love About The WTN Travel Planner 2017

It is that time of the year again when people are going crazy about collecting stickers from their favorite coffee shop to get their very own planner for next year. If you are a planner gal who refuse to shell out more than Php2,000 just so you can get a new planner, then read on to know more about WTN Planner 2017.

planner, planners and notebooks, 2017 planners, paper products, announcement, press release
WTN Travel Planner 2017

The WTN Planner 2017 is not just any ordinary planner. Each month acts like a chapter in a book with art and narrative based on real life experiences. In between the stories are pages for the owner to fill with his or her own adventures. Take a peak inside the pages and you will see the following details: planner, planners and notebooks, 2017 planners, paper products, announcement, press release

  1. The pages are dateless ~ You can write incessantly for a month and skip the other. It takes into account that sometimes life gets too busy that we stop writing down plans. But then when we do, there are neat lines and clean pages for you to write on. planner, planners and notebooks, 2017 planners, paper products, announcement, press release
  2. Tick off WTN’s travel bucket list ~ It contains a list of experiences from what to eat, to ride and what to learn in the Philippines as well as other destinations in Southeast Asia.
  3. Plan your vacation leaves ~ The planner also has a section where you can organize your vacation dates and it has a template that may help you get your boss to easily approve of your leaves.
  4. Backpacker’s checklist ~ Most travelers would say that packing is one of the most exhausting parts of a trip but it also one of the most essential. The planner contains a checklist of personal items as well as group equipment that will help you prepare for your next expedition.
  5. Thoughts from fellow travelers ~ Each chapter of Lessons on the Road is based on a lifetime of passion for travel shared by a group of friends. There is also a section where people share their thoughts on following their passion and finding purpose.
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4 Solutions For Your Child’s Sleep Problems

Does your child struggle to fall or stay asleep each night? Kids are no different from adults when it comes to sleep concerns; they can face similar issues such as insomnia. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to solve your child’s bedtime issues. Here are four solutions for your child’s sleep problems.

Curing Insomnia

children, parenting101, sleeping matters, tips and tricks
Image via Flickr by Olaf

Approximately seven out of every 10 kids under the age of 10 experience difficulty sleeping at some point. Parents have a tendency to under react to issues like insomnia, though. They believe that such troubles will eventually go away without direct intervention. That’s not always the case. Insomnia can be symptomatic of much graver conditions such as ADHD, autism, and depression.

If your child has difficulty sleeping for more than a few days, you should take him or her to a pediatrician. Sometimes acute symptoms and illnesses, such as congestion or ear infections, are responsible for disruptions in children’s sleep patterns. Your pediatrician can make sure there are no underlying conditions causing the temporary sleep disruption and prescribe medication if needed.

Monsters Under the Bed

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Empower Kids through Coding with JACK

educational activities for children, children, children learning, services for children

Do you know your kids could do so much more with their iPads and computers? Imagine them creating their own apps and games, or even building and programming their own robots through coding. Yes, it’s possible! The great thing is learning how to code at a young age has become more accessible with the Junior Academy for Coding Knowledge {JACK}.

JACK, a premier study center nestled in the heart of Ortigas, aims to equip kids and teens with basic coding knowledge and develop their skills through hands-on training.

Currently, JACK offers various courses designed to sharpen their logical-thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as boost their creativity. These courses are carefully grouped into three to allow them to specialize in a specific track.

First is the Create Track, where students learn coding as they specialize in developing applications using various tools.

For students who want to specialize in programming by coding machines to life, they can enroll in the Play and Learn with STEM Track.

Last is the Tinker Track, where students can specialize in courses that will mold the young engineer in them.

Time to empower the children of today to be innovators. Why let them just play when they could be the creator of the next big app or game? Enroll them in one full track or enroll them in individual courses from different tracks. The great thing is discounts are available if students enroll in multiple courses.

You can also get 5% off from your total registration fee if you use my promo code. Simply type Mumwrites x JACK in the promo code field when you register. Note that if you are eligible for other JACK discounts, the higher discount will be applied.

To register, go to jack.com.ph/register. For more information, you may check jack.com.ph or contact 0977-8410482.

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