Mum Inspires: Begin Your Week Right With Positive Vibes

Indeed, nothing beats positivity in jump-starting a new week and dictating how the rest of the week will fare, and this first Monday of February seems promising. I was even done with a number of things I set out to do for the day and it was not even noontime!

The last month seemed to have dragged on and this mum was usually either too lazy or too cold to do anything. I did have a slow start and on some days I can almost trick myself into thinking it was just a trial period and that 2019 would officially start in February! šŸ˜€

But this month is proving to be an entirely different story and I am feeling more energetic and excited. I hope I will also be more apt in updating the blog and posting on a regular basis, which is one of the things I intend to do this year. I am also planning to have another giveaway this month and I am thinking more of giving a prize to my “most active follower/reader” here and on our FB Page. I hope you stay tuned for that! šŸ˜€

In the mean time, here’s hoping you had an awesome Monday and an equally awesome week. šŸ™‚

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Thankful Thursday: Of Gratitude + That Which Sparks Joy

That which “sparks joy” became a household phrase all thanks to Marie Kondo and her life-changing Konmari Method. I was also smitten by this wonderful Japanese lady who aims to help families de-clutter and tidy up their houses in order to focus on things that matter most, like spending time with their families and doing what they love to do best. I discovered her book last year along with her unique way of discarding items you no longer need and keeping only those that spark your joy. I must admit, tidying up at home is rather challenging and it was not easy letting go of things especially for a pack rat like me, but her technique sure is very effective. I particularly loved the way she folds her clothes and things and after watching her inspiring series on Netflix, I was even bent on clearing up the clutter we’ve been hoarding for years and give more space for that which will serve our lives here and now.

So much like in tidying and cluttering up around our home, we must also do the same with our hearts and minds. We need to de-clutter thoughts and feelings that no longer serve us, and focus on what matters in the here and now. Meditation helps a lot in sorting through the sorting through these emotions and thoughts while keeping an attitude of gratitude helps us in zeroing in on that which will allows us to be happier and to be better versions of ourselves. So, I guess it is safe to deduce that maintaining a regular meditation and exercise on cultivating our gratitude, along with Konmari-ing our homes, will truly work wonders in making 2019 as our best year yet! ^_^

This week, I am grateful for:

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Children: Tips for Dressing Your Flower Girl

Children: Tips for Dressing Your Flower Girl
Sweet Ice Cream Photography

Looking for wedding dresses for you, the bridal party, and the flower girls is quite a task. You have to ensure that everything is going well according to plan. The flower girl must look beautiful for the day just like you. Mostly, the role of the flower girl is to sprinkle flower petals to welcome the bride as she walks down the aisle. When choosing a dress for her, you have to consider her age and body size among other factors:

1. Picking Her Dress

Most flower girls are dressed almost like the bride.They are mostly dressed in to match with the brides dress. However, this is not a must. You can pick her any other color dress. Ensure that she is comfortable with the dress and that she likes it too. Do not pick a dress that is too tight or too long or short.

2. Consider the Age

Consider picking the age appropriate dress for the flower girls. Age is an important factor when picking the flower girl dresses. For instance, pick a shorter dress for a younger girl, this is because she is learning to walk and she might get tangled and fall if she wears a too long dress. For the older and taller girls, you can pick a dress that is longer to the floor length. She will look more beautiful on the longer dress compared to a short dress.

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