Parenting 101: 5 Activities To Help Children Cope With The Pandemic

The past year has been one of the most challenging years we have ever had. The Covid-19 pandemic has been difficult to grown-ups and  children alike. The pressure of the quarantine has also taken its toll on our our little ones. It has disrupted their routines in the most profound ways. It has also restricted them from spending time outdoors, which is very essential for growing children.

As we all ride out what hopefully would be the last waves of this health crisis, it is best that we help our children cope well with being cooped up at home for longer periods of time. I have listed a number of activities that would help the little ones thrive and maintin their well-being and good disposition even in this difficult of times.

parenting 101, health and wellness, children, on raising children, reading, online games, free online games, fun activities for children, children issues

Play online games at

Children absolutely love playing online games and they can spend many hours exploring different worlds with different characters. Some would even find new friends through their favorite interactive games. While they do enjoy this activity, it is a must that we let them play only age-appropriate games. Make sure to limit their daily screentime, as well.

If you are looking for a safe space for your children to play online, do check out They have a wide assortment of online games for both seasoned and rookie gamers alike. Our little ones can choose from hundreds of games available and free of charge. These are conveniently categorized by genre, so it is very easy for any child to pick a game. What’s even better is that they also have educational games about Math for younger and older kids. And to top that, they even have Arcade Classics and Cartoon Games, which feature some of my little man’s favorite characters, like The Smurfs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Teen Titans.

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Children: How to Help Sick Kids Sleep Better

As many parents are well aware, it’s already often a challenge to get little ones to go to bed even when they’re perfectly healthy. When they’re coughing, sneezing or just feeling under the weather, however, it’s an entirely different story. It might feel like a challenge to help your child actually manage to fall asleep and get a good night’s rest when they’ve been sick even if you’ve stocked up on Wellements children’s cough and mucus syrup or Wellements nighttime cough syrup, but thankfully, there are some tips and tricks it’s likely you may not have tried yet. For a good night’s rest for both you and your child, consider using these ideas the next time your little one isn’t feeling their best at bedtime.

Help Kids To Unwind Before Bedtime and Turn Energy Levels Down

children health, children, tips and tricks, parenting101
Photo by Mark Zamora on Unsplash

Even a sick child can still be full of energy and restlessness, making bedtime even tougher. A good way to help turn the energy down and start preparing your child for bed is to go through a relaxing routine to help them unwind. For example, a warm bath followed by a little aromatherapy or a bedtime story could potentially work wonders. If you’ve been scrolling through Wellements reviews, you could also ask your doctor whether adding holistic supplements would be helpful, too.

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Parenting 101: 7 Ways To Raise Eco-Friendly Children

Raising eco-friendly children has never become a necessity until today. With all the environmental issues we are facing, it is a must that we raise children to be more conscious about nature and the planet.

Although getting children to care about their surrounding may seem like a daunting task, it is highly doable. In fact, there are many simple ways to nurture the little ones’ interest in nature. Here are a few easy ways to help you in raising eco-friendly children:

Show them how to Save Water

Children learn by imitation and the best way to teach them to do something is by showing them. When you lecture them about saving water, show them how it is done. Show them how to save water by using a glass when brushing their teeth. You can also demonstrate the proper way of using the shower and saving water while taking a bath.

Adopt a Pet

Adopting a pet is an effective way to encourage empathy and responsibility in children. It is also a practical way to get them to care for nature. It might be a major decision for the family, but you can start by adopting a hamster or a rabbit. You can move on to adopting bigger pets, like a cat or a dog, when your child is older.

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