Free Online Parenting Courses For Mums

online resources for mums, parenting 101, motherhood, fun things to do online, free online parenting courses, parenting website

The pressure to be a great mum causes a lot of us gals a bit of stress, particularly with this new trend in parent shaming across social media. One of the best ways to counter stress is improving your self-esteem and raising your self confidence, and there is no better way than arming yourself with some knowledge, skills and learning. We’ve compiled a list of online courses (all free) for mums who are feeling a bit ragged dealing with kids who don’t sleep or cry all the time. We’ve also concentrated on courses that face parenting challenges in mental health, autism, tantrums and development delays.

online resources for mums, parenting 101, motherhood, fun things to do online, free online parenting courses, parenting website
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KidsMatter is an Australian mental health and well-being initiative in preschools, kindergartens, day care centres as well as primary schools. While their extensive website has a number of free courses, eBooks and video resources for educators it also has an extensive section for parents.

Supporting your children to develop resilience is a very important part of motherhood and their library of resources for parents begin with the basics of understanding mental health issues in early childhood. You can learn how to teach kids mindfulness as well as developing resilience. Other topics surround schooling issues like bullying, getting along with other children, learning difficulties and managing kids who refuse to go to school. The content on the website is useful not only for kids who are having mental health issues but also for teaching parents how to pro-actively guide their children into good mental health. For education courses with formal qualifications, check out

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What To Look For In A Great Parental Control Application

Today, parents have more worries than ever before. Teens are experimenting earlier and earlier. At the same time, the Internet is undeniably frightening for modern parents. As soon as your child gains access to a computer or cellphone, you have to worry about their online activities. Are they up to no good? Are they chatting with someone, who may be up to something nefarious? To quell your worries, it is a good idea to install a good parental control app on your child’s phone. Below, you will learn about some of the features that are absolutely vital.

Call And Text Logs

Teens today have a wealth of communication options. They can chat with their friends through conventional phone calls, but many prefer using text messages or instant messenger applications. It is easy for your child to get into trouble through any of these methods. This is why you should choose an application that is capable of monitoring and logging phone calls, text messages and chats from instant messaging programs. Doing so will ensure that you do not miss anything.


The Internet is wonderful in many ways, but it also has a dark side. Certain websites are over-saturated with hideous content that is simply unsuitable for teenagers and young children. You need to prevent your child from accessing these sites at all costs. The best way to put a restriction on your child’s Internet usage is by using a parental control app, such as the one available at You cannot monitor your child twenty-four hours a day. You have work and numerous other responsibilities to juggle.

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Money Matters: 5 Ways To Secure Your Child’s Future

tips and tricks, money matters, money talks, parenting 101, parenting tips

One of our main goals as mums is to secure our little ones’ futures and to make them financially-stable and capable to live independently and raise their own families when it is their time. It might be easier for those who are earning a lot to save up and set aside a substantial amount for their child to inherit or get when they turn 18, it is no easy fit for an ordinary employee just trying to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck, but it should not stop you from aiming for a more secure and a brighter future for your children.

The good news is we now live in a financially-exciting time where people openly talk about money and how to grow them. The world wide web is also a treasure trove of tips and tricks on how you can make your money grow and, hopefully, save enough for you child’s future.

Here are a few ways on how parents can secure their children’s future:

Open A Savings Account

Cliche as it may sound, putting up a savings account for your child is still the easiest way to go about building that fund for your little one’s future. Setting aside a small amount each payday and doing so regularly will prove to be effective in growing this savings. If you can afford to set aside a bigger amount of money, you might also want to consider opening up a time deposit account that is expected to yield a bigger interest over a longer period of time. Of course, since you cannot just withdraw this amount at will, make sure to set aside an amount you are sure not to spend or use for something in the imminent future.

Invest In Mutual Funds

As any financial expert would advise, it is best practice to not put your eggs in one basket. As you aim to grow your money, you might as well consider investing in mutual funds. This type of investment is especially suited for those who have limited knowledge about the stocks market as mutual funds professionally managed. It is also a low-risk investment, ideal for those who are just testing the waters and looking for the best ways to grow their money and invest for their future.

Update Your Social Security Contributions and Loans

Social security is but another way for parents to secure not only their retirement but also their children’s future. With an updated social security profile, you are guaranteed to receive a certain amount as monthly pension during retirement years, allowing you to be financially independent and not relying on your child to shoulder your hospital bills or your daily expenses.  You will also receive benefits in case of injuries or accidents, thereby allowing you to still provide for your children’s needs while you are recuperating or indisposed. You may want to visit, if you need help in claiming disability benefits.

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