Restoring Old Couches For Resale

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image by blackzheep from

Over the course of a lifetime, a family will see many couches come and go as they wear through and require replacement. Instead of restoring the old couch, they simply sell it for a cheap price, give it away, or throw it away. They proceed to buying a new one, and repeat the situation several years down the line. These families have no idea how much they could still get out of that old couch!

Finding a Couch Project

This part of the task is a bargain hunter’s dream. They will have to go to yard sales, flea markets, second hand stores, and online classifieds to find old couches to restore. Some might be free, especially if they have some damage, flat couch cushions, or staining. Others will be very, very cheap. The goal is to find a couch that is structurally sound (solid frame) and attractive.

Replacing Flat or Damaged Cushions

One of the biggest reasons for tossing an old couch is flat or worn out cushions. Sometimes, the springs underneath the cushions have started to break. If there are broken springs, it is best to replace the broken springs first. Once this is finished, the cushions will feel much more comfortable. It is still a great idea to invest in some brand new couch foam, as replacing it will provide a much more comfortable seat.

Reupholstering or Deep Cleaning

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image by photostock from

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3 Tips On How To Boost Your Child’s #MultipleIntelligence + The June “I Choose” Promo

my little schoolboy on his first day in Kinder!

The little man is back to school this year as a Kinder student. I know it will be more challenging as he gears up towards elementary education. He will be away in school longer this time and with more subjects to study, too. Can you believe they now have Science and Social Studies in Kinder? During my time, all I remember about Kinder is story time, a little bit of pencil work, and play! Children these days really have a lot more in their plate and they face more challenges daily compared to the children of past generations.

giveaways, Multiple Intelligence, children learning, Progress Pre-School GOLD, announcement, giveaway alert, tips + tricks
My Multiple Intelligent little man ~ new experience at the Marvel Avengers exhibit last summer {people smart}, playing with our Explore Sandbox telescope and reading books before bedtime {Brain Smart}, and running free in the park {Body Smart}

Jared did perform really well in class last year and I would love for him to do the same this year. More than getting good grades in school, I would love for him to enjoy learning, be a well-rounded person, and grow up to achieve his full potentials and make the most of his life. Lofty goals, I know, but I am taking small steps towards those goals. Meanwhile, I will make sure he gets adequate amount of sleep, as well as sufficient amount of nutrition his growing body needs to get through our daily goals. I will also ensure that he gets enough play to unwind and relax, and I will constantly remind him to do his homework and other school-related activities promptly. Of course, I will always be ready to give him the right amount of affection and encouragement to keep him going and to improve his self-esteem.

It is also of utmost importance that I boost my child’s Multiple Intelligence. Here are 3 reasons why Multiple Intelligence is essential not only in the classroom but more so in life:

  • It allows children to be balanced and well-rounded individuals later in life, who can function as effective members of the society.
  • Multiple Intelligence-based teaching and activities fosters “teaching for understanding” that allows children to have positive learning experiences, as well as the capability to create solutions to problems.
  • It also opens multiple opportunities for children in later life, as well as inspires multiple achievement beneficial to the child’s self-esteem and self-worth

And here are a few of the ways on how I plan to boost the little man’s Multiple Intelligence:

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Common Causes For Premature Graying Of Hair + The Ways To Overcome This Condition

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Graying of hair was considered as phenomenon of forties and that was the way of aging gracefully. One gray hair in thirties was also good enough to trigger the panic button but now the scenario has changed. Graying of hair starts right from twenties and there is no much buzz created about it. The original hair color is not there to stay anymore as fashion colors are gaining popularity amongst people of all ages. Though graying of hair is becoming normal, the concern is still there. Premature graying is not just normal and may indicate some underlying health condition.The reasons can be hereditary, environmental or due to some vitamin deficiency.

What is the biological reason for graying of hair?

Hair gets its color from melanocyte which are the cells producing melanin and are found in hair follicles. The color of nails and skin is also the result of melanin. The melanocytes have their fixed life span and would generate melanin based on the individual genes. The melanin production ends after the melanocyte dies. When there is less or no melanin produced, new hair growth would be lighter or lastly come out as gray.This is the biological reason but there are many other reasons for premature graying as mentioned here.

  • Experimenting with hairEarlier there was not much experimentation done with hair and the natural color of the hair was retained for the lifetime. The graying was completely a natural process but now a days people tend to experiment a lot with their natural color and texture of hair. The chemical treatments may to some extend affect the lifespan of melanocytes. Chemicals may break the natural bonds of hair and that would not be favorable in long run.
  • Genetic effectGenes make the difference. If you have lighter complexion then graying would be normal process for you even in your 20s as you have low melanin production because of your genes. Similarly darker complexion means more melanin production and for such people, graying of hair even in thirties would be early. Scientists have found that genes play the largest role in graying of hair.
  • Medical IssuesGraying of hair is natural process and mostly not related to any underlying health condition but in some cases it can be because of low nutrition intake and lack of vitamin. Deficiency of vitamin B12 is considered to be one of the reasons for premature graying and that can be rectified by covering up for this deficiency in time. The relation between premature graying and low bone density was also established in 2007, by a study carried out on 1200 subjects of California. Graying can also be the result of some long term illness which may have made your immune system work more and also deprived your body of vital nutrients.

Reversing the gray

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