2017 Reading Challenge: Book 1 ~ Uma Krishnaswami’s Si Tito Libra At Ako

2017 Reading Challenge, books, Reviews, book review, children's books, books for children, reading, mum reads

There is no way I can give up the passion, though, even with time constraints, so every year I set out to read as many books as I can and challenge myself to stick to the goal. Often, I fail on the reading splurge but what’s good is I can always try {and so can you! ;)}. This year, I have no grand plans about reading as many books, though. In fact, I am making it more achievable by aiming to read only 50 books this 2017! If you will do the Math, that’s equivalent to reading 1 book per week.

For my very first read this year, I chose this children’s book which my brother, Ken, bought as gifts for his godchildren for Christmas. One child was not able to get his gift and it left us with the opportunity to open and peruse the book. One page and I am hooked! I read this in one sitting since the book is comprised of only 110 pages!

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An Interesting Infographic On Literacy

Literacy changes the world. 

Today we celebrate the International Literacy Day and it was rather timely that I have stumbled upon this infographic on Global Literacy. Literacy is indeed everyone’s concern, and whether we are professionals, homemakers and mums, or students, we ought to take part in raising awareness about literacy {or lack thereof}, and ultimately lend a hand in raising the literacy rate around the globe.

Here are some interesting facts about global literacy put together by our friends from Grammarly that I thought everyone should be aware of. Do feel free to share on your blogs or social media pages and do your small part in being part of the solution to achieve improvement in literacy around the world. Thanks!  😀 

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Mum Reads: LifeBooks Releases 2 New Titles This Month!

The summer heat is making me wish this busy mum could have some downtime long enough to curl up with a good book while drinking a tall glass of the most refreshing green mango shake. Add a  hammock, the vast blue sky and the shore into the mix and it will be perfect. But we have yet to hit the beach and I hope we do so before the new school year starts. Even when school is out, I still have tons of work to do at home so reading for pleasure is taking the backseat. Hopefully, I could squeeze in hours of reading next month while the little man is in school.

I have only about a couple of weeks before the new school year opens and it is the perfect time to create my Reading list and I am excited to add these 2 new titles from LifeBooks onto my list:


books, simple pleasures, reading, pr, announcement

This book is penned by Steve McVey and here is a short synopsis:

Do you long to experience the grace of God?

Steve McVey, author of the bestselling book Grace Walk (over 250,000 sold), invites you to start each day by letting God remind you of His love and care for you. Experience all of the grace God has to offer you–refreshment, joy, and forgiveness–in these quiet moments alone.

As you read, you will learn that God’s grace isn’t something you read about–it’s a way of life. It’s not about struggling to be perfect. It’s about letting Him love you and work through you and in you to accomplish more for Him than you ever could on your own. If you find yourself trying to earn God’s grace, these devotions will help you understand what Christ has already accomplished for you and what He longs to do in you today. 

52 Heart Lifters for Difficult Times: Promises of Hope and Encouragement from God
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