2012 goal #3: find time for myself

me-time, simple pleasures

I must admit 2011 got me spinning like a top + I hardly have enough time to take a breather, much less go out for some well-deserved me-time or relax + hang my feet for a while. My little man is really quite a handful + looking after him, while squeezing all the household chores + occasional online tasks in between, I hardly have enough time for anything else. Child-minding requires full attention + I actually wait until the little man is off to snooze land before I begin other home chores or tinker online upstairs.

It was actually tiring to say the least + what do you know, I am only human disguised as a wonder mum after all. So, to be kinder to myself this year, I vow to make extra time for me, myself + I! I know it might sound selfish, but it will actually benefit my loved ones more whenever I get to spend sometime alone. I become more productive, raring to serve + be with them some more, + yeah, I must admit, I become less cranky, too! 🙂

For this year, I plan to reserve some activities for myself that I know I will absolutely enjoy. Here’s what I’ve got in mind:

  • a trip to the salon, for some pampering. My feet are in dire need of a pedicure + my hair’s been dying to have a trim + I would love to give it one this month. While planning it, I might as well check out those sienna X hair products that might be locally available. Who knows, they could probably work wonders for my otherwise dull + lifeless hair 🙂
  • read a book. I have always been a voracious reader, but, like most of my passion in life, they had to take a back seat when the little man was born. So, this year, I plan to read one book each month + I have one ready for January, “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. I will write about it as soon as I finished reading 🙂
  • occasional meet up with friends. Depending on who’s available, I’d love to have regular meet ups with my friends. It will be a perfect breather from the mothering grind + I really am dying to hear from them 🙂
  • organizing my photos. I don’t know about you, but scrapbooking is something that I really enjoy + I have a ginormous pile of photos waiting to be organized. This year I plan to have all of the photos printed + pasted on individual albums
  • focus on postcrossing. Getting surprises from the mail is my absolute favorite + this year I plan to build up my collection of postcards, specifically map cards, from all over the globe. I need to get a new notebook to serve as a record of all my swap + mailing activities, a bigger one this time 😀

So, what are your plans for your pocket-me-time this year? 🙂

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more pink tokens

pink stuff, pmc geb, tokenspmc eb, tokens, pink stuff

I did not get around to sharing most of the stuff I got last year, hopefully I can have the time to post about them here this year 🙂

tokens, pink stuff, pmc geb,

To start off, here are some more of the tokens I got last year from our PMC Grand EB, + this time I am sharing the cutey pink ones 🙂

pmc geb, tokens, pink stuff, simple pleasures

They are {in no particular order}:

  • the cute pen/pencil pouch that sis Jem gave me {my sis, Cel, scored it. She said she can use it to stow her pens in the office}
  • the fab + posh pink high heels that Mommy Willa gave me. I don’t think I’ll ever have the guts to own + much more wear, an actual one, so I am ?ing this keychain 😀
  • the pink PMC ref magnet is from sis Gene, + ref magnets are my current passion at the moment, I wish I can find more interesting ones to place on my ref 🙂
  • the pink soaps are from sis Iris + Mommy Giay + I have yet to use either of them
Got anything pink to share today? 🙂
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2012 goal #2: learning a new skill

home, motherhood, parenting, learning

I did mention am shying away from New Year’s resolution altogether + will be renaming them as goals or bucket list from here on. + one of the many goals I have in mind is to learn something new this year. A few options come to mind:

  • enroll in a Yoga class is on top of it {I have been meaning to do this since time immemorial but priorities + parenting got in the way :)},
  • learning how to drive, which I have put on hold some years ago when I found out I was pregnant
  • learning a third language which can very well be either French, Italian or Spanish. I love the romance languages + it had been my life-long dream to know how to speak French.
  • enroll in a cooking class. Now this option is by far the most practical, as being a mum, I really need to be dishing out those delicious + nutritious meals for my kiddo. But since money is also a big factor, I am thinking of sticking to watching cooking shows + buying cookbooks + cooking publications for now.
Learning is a life-long process + I believe that it is very important that I strive to learn something new everyday. Not only will I be able to pass it on to the little man when it’s time, but it is also a great exercise for my brain. I remember when I had to have an impromptu quickbooks training when I was hired as a cashier in my previous job. Back then, no quickbooks training online were available on hand that I had to learn the ropes as I used the system each day on the job. I only had a few days to practice before the store opens + I was glad that my brain is in tip top running condition to take all the information overload in 🙂
It was timely that I chanced upon this post the other day whilst I was browsing through sites online. I found out that Stanford University is offering free online lessons. Yes, the famous university where Chuck went + was kicked out, remember? I just had to check it out + what do you know, I find one subject interesting enough for me + hit the enroll button. If you’d ask why I chose Anatomy among all the subjects listed, well, anything technical has lesser appeal to me, + I reckon Anatomy is the most handy subject for a mum to learn 🙂

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