Thankful Thursday: Of Gratitude + The Present Moment

Today, I am grateful for the chance to practice focusing in the present moment.

I have just recently finished the 21-Day Meditation Experience with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey. It was an eye-opening and a wonderful experienced. A few weeks after the daily meditation practice, I keep on stumbling on bits and pieces about being present in the now and in the present moment. In that, I am ever grateful to the Universe for constantly reminding me of this.

According to Oprah and Deepak “realizing our true nature as ever-present awareness is how we attain our full human potential and in reclaiming our timeless essence, we release ourselves from the bonds to our past and future. These bonds are what keep us in separation, fear, and suffering. As we step into the here and now, we heal our past and come to the end of suffering.”

If we take eternity to mean timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein

It entails constant practice to be present in the here and now and may we all find the time in our busy lives to silence the drone of day-to-day living, the pressing demands of work, and be present in the now when our children stop us in our tracks to ask the most random or seemingly silly question. It was in this little moments that we learn invaluable things about ourselves and those we love.

What are you thankful for today?

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Thankful Thursday: On Being Grateful

Today I am thankful for:

:heart: Moments that make me look up and thank The Almighty
:heart: spending Bonifacio Day with my sisters
:heart: heart-warming moments with my little man
:heart: catching up with my niece and nephew
:heart: opportunities to give random acts of kindness
:heart: more opportunities for the blog
:heart: the smell and sound of Christmas floating in the air
:heart: my Papa visiting me in my dream
:heart: love
:heart: finishing more pending errands
:heart: my son’s infectious laugh that never fails to put a smile on my face
:heart: beautiful memories of the holidays
:heart: retail therapy

What are you thankful for today?

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