Pink Fluffy Slippers for My Feet

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simple pleasures, pink stuff, products for women

My feet are probably the most over-worked part of my body. Imagine them carrying my heavy weight around all day. And add my almost-24-kilo little man to the equation and I guess you can have a bird’s eye view  how much my feet will be aching for some pampering after an eventful day.

So you can just imagine my delight when I got this flimsy pair of pink slippers delivered to my doorstep a few weeks back. Their oh-so-soft texture and comfy design makes it such a delightful experience to wear them. I now use this pair at night, especially when I am in front of the computer in the wee hours, so that even when I am still working, my feet are comfortable resting in them.

The package comes with rose-flavored foot wash and lotion which I shall write about in my future post. 😉

Sharing this pinkness with the newly-revived:

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  1. wow, those are really cute slippers. where did they come from, sis? that’s exactly the kind i want. i’m looking for something like that also for the kids.

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