#LiveActive With The Philam Vitality Active App

It is rather sad to realize that while most of us would love to enjoy the full benefits of an active and healthy life, not most of us are willing to put in the hard work that goes into achieving this goal. It is easy to include “staying healthy” or “keeping fit” in our New Year’s resolutions or goals, but sometimes it is so much easier to oversleep than to wake up early and do stretching or some exercise routine before starting your day. Most of the time it is so much more convenient to stay in the couch in front of the tellie all day rather than to walk, jog, or bike around the neighborhood. Even this mum is guilty of this!

Would you believe that among 15 Asia-Pacific countries, Philippines is at the 9th spot of last year’s Healthy Living Index? This is a clear indication that while our awareness of various health risks and concerns are high, we are still prone to unhealthy habits and poor lifestyle choices {yes, like leading half-sedentary lives!}. As mums, it really is a must that we aim to lead a healthy active lifestyle in order to be around longer for our children.

This is where Philam Life would like to intervene and be a catalyst in improving the quality of life of every Filipino. To make living active a whole lot easier and more accessible for us, they formally launched the Philam Vitality Active App on 27 February at Earth Kitchen in BGC, Makati City.

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The Medical City Launches Expanded Maternal ICU

If you plan to get pregnant this year or are currently pregnant and are about to give birth soon, you might want to check out the recently launched expanded Maternal Intensive Care Unit at The Medical City. Read on to know more about it.

announcement, health, pregnancy, press release, women health, medical services for pregnant women, pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth are major life events and all pregnancies involve a certain degree of risk to both mother and baby. While many pregnancies are without any complications, some encounter life-threatening events for the mother or for the fetus.

When critical complications arise during pregnancy, patients may need care from specialists in a health care facility that offers specialized, intensive care to ensure the best possible outcomes for mothers and babies alike.

The Medical City {TMC} is home to one of the country’s few maternal intensive care units that provides comprehensive high-risk perinatal services combined with holistic care by experienced, highly-skilled medical professionals.

TMC recently launched its expanded Maternal Intensive Care Unit {MICU} to accommodate more high-risk patients. Strategically located within the Delivery Suite, the MICU offers more privacy for the care of high-risk mothers and provides adequate space for the multidisciplinary team of experts so they can attend to their patients with ease. Maximizing TMC’s broad range of medical fields with the highest levels of expertise, MICU offers intensive monitoring of mother and baby in close coordination with other clinical departments, such as nursing, internal medicine, and surgery, among others. 

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How To Choose Allergy-Friendly Bedding

tips and tricks, home, health, homemaking
Whether you have allergies, your children do, or your entire family suffers from allergy-related issues, it can be important as a mom to make your home as allergy-friendly as possible.

This can include having air purifiers and other devices that work to reduce dust and other allergens, and it can also include changing some items of your home décor.

One area that can be particularly important to tackle if you have a family with allergies is the bedding you use. Bedding can be a hotbed for attracting things like dust mites that can exacerbate allergy problems.
So how, as a mom, do you choose the right allergy-friendly bedding? Below are some tips to help you get started.

Types of Fabric

When you’re choosing bedding for people in your family with allergies, it’s vital to consider the type of fabric first and foremost.

Some fabrics are specifically designed for allergies, but even if you don’t buy an allergy-specific product, natural fibers tend to work well for children and adults with allergies. Natural fibers include cotton, linen, and wool.

Natural fibers are inherently hypo-allergenic because they are breathable and they’re naturally mold-resistant and antibacterial.

Dust Mite Covers

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