Your Baby’s Precious CORD Blood Can Save His Precious Life

health, children health, health products, parenting 101, lifestyle, pr

As mothers, you will do anything for your child.  Even way before they are brought into this world, your instincts kick in and you tirelessly worry about your baby.  You want to learn everything there is to learn and more importantly, you want to protect them from anything and everything that can harm them be it the common cold or a fever; and if you had your way, you would gladly get sick for your child.  And your anxiety is not without reason, since there are many childhood diseases that can be harmful or even fatal to children.

Leukemia is perhaps the most common type of cancer compromising 47.8% of all childhood cancers1.  Hodgkin’s Disease1 or non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is the third childhood cancer comprising 9% of childhood cancer.  Aside from these types of cancers, certain brain disorders are also common in children. These include cerebral palsy and neuroblastoma.  Cerebral palsy severely impairs the development of the motor functions and afflicts 1-2 percent of the Philippine population2.  Neuroblastoma, on the other hand, causes the sufferer to lose the ability to empty the bladder, experience paralysis of the hips, feet, legs and uncontrolled movement.

Research into the use of cord blood and cord lining stem cells have been ongoing since the 1980s and has shown promise of saving lives and treating life-threatening diseases.  More than 30,000 cord blood stem cell transplants3 have already been performed since 1988.

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The Little One’s Latest Pedia Visit

mum's thoughts, Jared, jared's nook, children vaccine, vaccines, parenting 101

We visited the little one’s pedia earlier today after his class. It has been sometime since our last visit and if my memory serves me right, the last time we were at the little man’s doctor was late last year. It was the season of cough, cold, flu and other sickness so it calls for the little one to have his flu shot. About time we go, too, as I have a number of queries I am itching to ask our pedia.

The line was surprisingly short today that we did not wait too long for our turn. I guess it was a good decision to go on a regular day, instead of visiting on a Monday or waiting until the weekend, as we’d normally encounter long queues whenever we go there on Saturdays.

Jared’s pedia was asking how he was and was surprised that he readily entered the doctor’s clinic when his name was called. Normally, he’d fuss about it and would think of a number of reasons and excuses so that he can convince me to go home and dodge his vaccines! The doctor also jokingly asked my little guy if mum needs to hold him to be still while administering the vaccine and he simply shook his head to disagree. My, look how cool and behave he was while having his shot! This sure is a welcome change considering how he’d cry his eyes out at the sight of a needle!

I am really proud of how the little one behaved today and how bravely he sat still to wait for his doctor to finish his vaccine! I hope he will behave the same way when we return to the clinic in October for another shot. I guess I cannot deny the inevitable, my baby is no longer a baby and is now turning to be a very curious and inquisitive little boy. I am sure I am in for more surprises as we go along! 🙂

Have you recently visited your pedia to have your little one’s vaccines updated? I’d love to hear all about it in a comment below. 🙂

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Gearing Up For A Very Long Weekend

That is right! We are gearing up for a very extended weekend as the provincial government declared Monday, 28 July to be a holiday for the entire province of Bulacan, making way for post-Iglesia ni Cristo Centennial clean-up operations. As we all know, Tuesday is also declared a holiday in observance of the end of Ramadan, or Eid Al -Fitr. Now what to do with this unexpected amount of free time in our hands?

Some of the items included in our 4-day weekend plan are: catching up on my blog backlogs, tackling an almost-2-weeks worth of laundry, finishing chores at home and tidying up some of our stuff that accumulated in the living room. I do hope I can also catch up on much-needed zzz, and manage to catch the President’s SONA on Monday.

The long vacay is also a perfect opportunity for me to review the little man in time for his very first major exam in school. This new mum of a schooler is more anxious than the little man about the exam, but I am sure with the right amount of preparation and studying I can get him ready in time for their exams in the mid of August. I also hope the little guy can finish some of our worksheets at home, as well as read a couple of the new books we got for him recently.

This 4-day weekend sure is a very welcome blessing and I do hope we can enjoy it and make use of it to the fullest.  😀

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