my two-cents on buying pre-loved items

mum's thoughts, tips + tricks, online shopping, shopping,
a pre-loved wooden alphabet blocks I’ve got for the little man earlier this year {this image first appeared on Jared’s Little Corner}

Pre-owned, pre-loved, second-hand or hand-me-downs. These are just a few of the terms we use for items that we’d rather not buy brand new. Do not get me wrong, of course we would love to buy everything hot-right-off-the-shelf brand spankin’ new, but difficult times, as well as motherhood, have taught us better to cut back on spending on other things so we can splurge more on basic necessities. This is also probably what Thomas Huxley had in mind when he quipped that “economy does not lie in sparing money, but in spending it wisely.” Of course we shall be spending those hard-earned money wisely if we will opt for second-hand items from numerous shops online instead of buying the same thing brand new from the mall, which may also entail other related expenses, like spending for food, transportation or for unplanned purchases of items you just happened to discover in a pile two racks down below.

We also have to be very discriminate about which items to buy brand new + which ones to get pre-owned. Here are a few of the things I’d say are safe to get second-hand:

  • Books ~ Books are simply ageless + does not lose their value even when you get it at a lesser cost at a thrift shop. I have one too many pre-owned paperbacks in my stash which I got online. Sure gives me a lot of savings rather than getting a new copy from the bookstore. I can even splurge on a few more titles, which makes the book-lover-me a very happy camper 😉
  • Cars ~ it is rather costly to buy this item brand new so I will really opt for one of those second-hand models sold at any St George car dealerships or the likes. This will save you a considerable amount + will give you more value for your money as well. Just make sure to go to those reputable dealers + have the car checked thoroughly before deciding to buy it.
  • Other appliances ~ kitchen appliances like toasters, stove or refrigerator sounds safe enough to buy second-hand, as well as vacuum cleaners, washing machine or computers + other gadgets, too. Just make sure you get them from friends or people you know very well so you will be assure that they came from good hands + that you can still use them for a few good years
  • Items of clothing ~ socks + other under garments ought to be bought brand new + that is non-debatable! But in case of dresses, skirts, jeans or maternity clothes + costumes, for example, I guess it is safe to try those pre-owned stuff you can find in thrift shops online. Just make sure to sanitize them first, by putting them on boiling water {depending on washing instructions at the back, of course!} + washing them thoroughly.
  • Toys ~ you have to discern which type of toys you’d get pre-owned + which you’d rather buy brand new. Teethers of any kind ought to be brought brand new, along with other toys that will end up inside our little ones mouth. Children’s books, board books, along with blocks + wooden alphabet toys {like the one in the photo}, I guess, are safe enough to be bought second-hand, just make sure to wash those that can be soaked in water + air out books + clean toys with wipes before handing them out to our children to enjoy!

Off to a pre-loved shopping spree? Where do you shop + what usually do you get? Tell me all about it in a comment below, right? 😉

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Books for review

books, mum's thoughts

One of the perks of being a blogger is getting free books for review, which I totally love since I have been a voracious reader since I am a little girl. I have received a number of books for review + I really enjoy reading them + sharing them with you here. Unfortunately, my book-reading has taken the backseat to give way to more pressing concerns + the books have piled up n the past few months.

Here are a few of the books that I hope to finish reading soon so that I can post a review about them:

  • Smart Baby, Clever Child by Valentine Dmitriev, PH.D.
  • Lightning-fast French by Carolyn Woods
  • Ugly to Start With by John Michael Cummings

I hope to finish reading a number of these books + to come up with these reviews as soon as my mum-time permits.

Meanwhile, you can check out some of my book reviews here.

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insure your cars for your own peace of mind

mum's thoughts, cars

I am not sure why I keep coming up with these car posts, but I surmise that my subconscious is taking an over-drive + is leading me to making all these tips + what-nots about cars + the likes. Oh well, who does not want to own a car at one point in his/her life, right? It’d be cool + very convenient, too, + my mind is racing to one too many road trips I’d like to take if I’d be lucky enough to get my own car in this lifetime. I am thinking of a Honda Civic, a Prius or, if you will all allow me, a Hummer! In reality, of course I’d settle with just about any model, provided it is in silver, gray or black. I can picture myself driving to+ from different destinations that the little man + I might fancy + driving Jared off to school, a few years from now. Drat, I must learn how to drive first!

Anyhoo, I came up with tips on getting used cars + I’ve just recently outlined a few things you might consider in getting the car of your dream. I have mentioned vehicle insurance in the post, too. Of course, it pays to be a forward-thinker + worry about expenses for maintenance + repairs ahead of time instead of worrying it right when you most need it! It sure is a good news to learn that you can now look for reputable car insurance companies, like, for example, online to check from the various packages + services they offer for the best one that will suit your needs. You can also post your queries + other clarifications with a click of a few buttons using your computer.

A car insurance is one of the best weapons in your arsenal as a car owner + it is recommended to get the best one you can find online or otherwise. It’ll save you all the unnecessary heartache + trouble, not to mention stress + worries, too! Jared’s dad’s cars have been in the repair shop one too many times + if it hadn’t been for the auto insurance he got after procuring those cars, he’d be knee-deep in debt for all the car-related bills he has to pay!

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