the joy of green cleaning

You know how much this mum loves anything that is green!  I love earth-friendly products + as much as I can I use them + try to replace one thing I use at home with a natural alternative. That probably explains my fascination with everything Human ? Nature {oh well, more about that in upcoming posts! ;)}. That is why I am delighted to share with you dear readers this book on the Joy of Green Cleaning. Learn a few things on how you can tap natural materials readily available at home to clean around + find joys in green cleaning! You even get a chance to win a copy of this lovely book towards the end of the post, so make sure you read through, right?  This Review/Giveaway, by the way,  is done by Kathy’s Freebies & Savings.

Read on….

Do you enjoy keeping the environment clean by being green? I’ve recently been trying to be as green as possible. I love to help keep the environment clean, and save energy. I always recycle everything that I can. The one thing I have trouble with, is green cleaning products. They always seem to be more expensive. I’m happy to introduce to you The Joy of Green Cleaning by Leslie Reichert.

Leslie Reichert’s mission is to teach and encourage others in the art of green homekeeping. She is the founder and president of The Green-Clean University. Leslie helps teach simple steps to keep families and pets safe from hidden toxins and health risks.

The Joy of Green Cleaning has many recipes to make green household products. I figured that since i’m reviewing the book, I might as well test out one of the recipes. I chose to try the baking soda scrubbing paste. It only requires three ingredients, and those are baking soda, dish soap, and water. I used this on my bathroom sink counter top. I had a spot on the counter top that needed to be cleaned off, so I thought this would work out perfectly. After mixing all the ingredients together, I took a sponge and started scrubbing. It worked out wonderful! The spot was completely gone. I love that these recipes are all green. I’ll be using many more recipes in the near future. I can’t wait to try them all out!

If you enjoy cleaning the green way, then I would recommend checking out ,The Joy of Green Cleaning. What a great way to clean your house without toxins, and save money as well. Most of your ever day products are used in these recipes. For a low price of $10 you can order your Green Cleaning book today.

Do not forget to wait for the Rafflecopter widget to load + join this giveaway! A free copy is up for grabs to one lucky reader!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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renting textbooks: a practical mum’s choice

mum's thoughts, tips + tricks, online resources for mum
computer textbook for rent!

The price of educating our children may seem steep, but we struggle to manage somehow knowing that education is one of the most sure-fire way to give them a better chance at life + ultimately, a better life. From exorbitant school fees, to numerous assortment of school supplies + all the expensive textbooks you need to buy, you wonder when all the expenses end + can you ever keep up! Buying reference + textbooks, after all, is every schooling mum’s dilemma, whether you’re sending your children to traditional schools or homeschooling them. + these books, say medical or computer textbooks for College students, do not come cheap!

It is a good thing, though, that given a knack at creativity + resourcefulness, you can actually find ways to curb the textbook expenses. One such ways is textbook rentals. Imagine the amount of money you can save when you rent textbooks instead of buying them. That way you can even save up for a favorite paperback or your child’s favorite Disney character storybook! Imagine all the clutter you can eliminate + the space you can maximize when you have got to return your textbooks when the school year ends! No need to keep textbooks for years on end after your children are done using them at school, right?

+ what’s best about renting textbooks is that all transactions can be done online in the safety of your living room. Terms even come with options to buy rented books, prepaid envelopes for worry-free returning of rented books, as well as a 15-day grace period + a 30-day money back guarantee! What more can a mum ask for really? Now you can sit back + relax knowing that all your child’s textbook needs is covered for the entire term. 😉

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