a green detergent for babies

I was doing my son’s laundry one time + it sort of sparked the inspiration for this post, why not write about my baby’s detergent, it is 100% natural, anyway, a perfect green idea!, goes my thought bubble + so to give in, here’s that post.

I have been using Cycles baby detergent since Jared is a few months old (i began washing his laundry with Perla, but i don’t like the scent of it much + the way it clings to my son after several hours of wearing his tiny tiesides + shorts, so I looked for a better alternative). Lucky I stumbled upon this eco-friendly laundry detergent in one of the issues of Smart Parenting + have been using it since then.

Cycles contains no harsh chemicals or irritants like bleach, dyes or optical brighteners that can harm my baby’s sensitive skin. It does not leave soap residue + is specifically made for babies’ delicate skin. It comes in liquid + powder form too.

I’ve also found this nice message under my Cycle’s packaging:

This is my entry for this week’s

Love + Light,

Note: I was not compensated, monetary or otherwise, nor did i receive free items from this company, for writing about this product. I simply posted this in the aid of fellow mummies out there, who do not stop looking for the best products for their babies.

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music monday: adolescents {a new single by incubus}

My Music Monday entries just found a new home here to give way to more mum-jared related posts or blog memes on jared’s little corner.

Well, you would’ve guessed by now that I am an Incubus-crazed mum (way too obvious, ayt?) + it does felt like going back to my adolescent days when, upon checking my e-mails, I found this exciting news from the Incubus World Headquarters that a new song is recently released (on 04 April, to be exact) + an the best bit of news followed: Incubus is going to the Philippines on 28 July for another rockin’ concert at the Big Dome. Can’t wait for that, although, unlike with the other 2 concerts they’ve had before (first at the CCP Open Grounds in 2004 + at the Araneta Coliseum in March 2008), where I had front row seats, I guess I’ll be settling with just watching from the upper box this time around. Why? Simply because I can’t shell out that much moolah since me baby boy will be celebrating his 2nd birthday in August. I’d be delighted to watch the band from afar it if means having a memorable, yet simple birthday celebration for my little one! You know, putting priorities first! šŸ˜‰

So as the excitement builds up as we Incu-nutters await the coming of our demi-god come July, allow me some adolescents moment as I relieved + celebrate my incuself!

Hope you enjoy this song, which, by the way, still has to grow on me!

My late entry to this week’s

Love + Light,

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava’s Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

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sunday stealing:the 5000 question meme part 03

51. Make up a definition for the following silly words…

Fruitgoogle: Mr. Google for fruits

Ambytime: All-by-myself time

Asscactus: A cross between a seabass + a cactus šŸ˜‰

52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

I am not really crafty + creative, but yesterday I was trying to make a rose out of a ribbon strip (thanks Mommy C5 for the tuts ;))

53. What was your favorite toy as a child?

I think it has to be my wind-up doll: a pink mum putting her baby to sleep

54. How many TVā€™s are in your house?

Just one + if I could have my way, I’d make it none!

55. What is your favorite thing to do outside?

Stroll + walk, take in the fresh air (or what is left of it after dust + smog polluted it)

56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?


57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true?

Yes, once upon a time, I dreamt of becoming a mother

58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?


59. What is your idea of paradise?

Clean air, radiation-free atmosphere, a world sans catastrophes + disaster, spending 101% of my time with my baby less the chores + other distractions!

60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like?

I do believe in a just, kind + fair God in my own ways

61. Do you believe in Hell?

As I believe in a kind God, I don’t believe He/She will send his people to the eternal flame of Hell

62. What one thing have you done that most people haven’t?

I once turned vegetarian + doing little ways to help alter climate change

63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?

Extending random acts of kindness to total strangers

64. Have you gone to WTIT’s facebook page and hit “like” yet? If not, why not? (No pressure.)

Haven’t got the time yet

65. What holiday should exist but doesn’t?

Family day holiday

66. What holiday shouldn’t exist but does?

I really can’t think of any at the moment

67. What’s the best joke you ever heard?

I’ll be hard up to remember jokes even if they are the best ever

68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been?

Activefun with my baby šŸ˜‰

69. Is your hair natural or dyed?

Au naturale

70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front?

I have a deep dark secret I better not tell you about šŸ˜‰

71. What is under your bed right now?

A box of my old books

72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home?

Go home ASAP

73. If you drive do you frequently speed?

Do not know how to drive

74. What is the world’s best song to dance to?

I don’t really enjoy dancing

75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?

I don’t dance

Love + Light,

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