it pays to be money-wise

money matters, home, parenting

If money grows on trees, I bet none of us would have to endure trying to stretch our measly budget until the next paycheck comes. Or worry about the monthly car or house amortization or school tuition. Before proceeding further on, let me just tell you that I am no expert, + I would really need a master’s degree before I start discussing about anything that has to do with finance + money or I am not really sure whether I can give you a sound advice on business funding or credit card factoring + make it sound believable, but I am mum, anyway, + somehow it comes with the territory to be a jill-of-all-trade of sorts.

Believe it or not, it does not really take a master or a pro to be money-wise + somehow we just need to follow our guts + we can all be budget-savvy mums in no time, in our own little way.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Monitor how your money comes + goes by grabbing a notebook + listing down all your expenses, include your budget, too, so you will have a clear picture of how much you earn + spend for an entire month. This way you can easily see where you saved or overspent.
  2. Make an inventory of your pantry + make a list of all the grocery items you will need for the next week. This will keep you from buying unnecessary food items in the grocer’s rack the next time you do your groceries, preventing future food spoilage, too. Make a mental note to stick to your list at all times, as well! 🙂
  3. Take advantage of end-of-season sales when buying clothes + stuffs for yourself + your kiddos. That way you save by getting exactly what you needed {a pair of pajamas or pants for your toddler or a blouse for you + the little girl} at less, or sometimes even half, the price.
  4. Teach your little ones to be money-savvy, too, by getting them individual piggy banks. Now is the most opportune time to teach them about saving. You also need to walk the talk so getting a piggy bank for yourself will also be ideal.
  5. If you were like most of the mums I know, you are probably online a lot of time, so take advantage of those online groupon sites that offer deals for children’s toys + books, admission to amusement parks or travel deals, that will enable you to have a great bonding time with your family at a steal.
  6. Use them coupons. It is high time you notice those discount coupons handed out in the malls during weekends or those inserts in your monthly mum publications. A 10 to 20 percent discount is better than nothing at all + getting them for free only by cutting + keeping those coupons is not really a bad deal.
  7. Use those loyalty cards that will allow you to gain points + hopefully shop cashless in the future.

There are really endless ways on how we can stretch our budget much further + it only takes a dash of resourcefulness + a little bit of creativity. So, here’s to a budget-savvy you in 2012! 🙂

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2012 goal #3: find time for myself

me-time, simple pleasures

I must admit 2011 got me spinning like a top + I hardly have enough time to take a breather, much less go out for some well-deserved me-time or relax + hang my feet for a while. My little man is really quite a handful + looking after him, while squeezing all the household chores + occasional online tasks in between, I hardly have enough time for anything else. Child-minding requires full attention + I actually wait until the little man is off to snooze land before I begin other home chores or tinker online upstairs.

It was actually tiring to say the least + what do you know, I am only human disguised as a wonder mum after all. So, to be kinder to myself this year, I vow to make extra time for me, myself + I! I know it might sound selfish, but it will actually benefit my loved ones more whenever I get to spend sometime alone. I become more productive, raring to serve + be with them some more, + yeah, I must admit, I become less cranky, too! 🙂

For this year, I plan to reserve some activities for myself that I know I will absolutely enjoy. Here’s what I’ve got in mind:

  • a trip to the salon, for some pampering. My feet are in dire need of a pedicure + my hair’s been dying to have a trim + I would love to give it one this month. While planning it, I might as well check out those sienna X hair products that might be locally available. Who knows, they could probably work wonders for my otherwise dull + lifeless hair 🙂
  • read a book. I have always been a voracious reader, but, like most of my passion in life, they had to take a back seat when the little man was born. So, this year, I plan to read one book each month + I have one ready for January, “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. I will write about it as soon as I finished reading 🙂
  • occasional meet up with friends. Depending on who’s available, I’d love to have regular meet ups with my friends. It will be a perfect breather from the mothering grind + I really am dying to hear from them 🙂
  • organizing my photos. I don’t know about you, but scrapbooking is something that I really enjoy + I have a ginormous pile of photos waiting to be organized. This year I plan to have all of the photos printed + pasted on individual albums
  • focus on postcrossing. Getting surprises from the mail is my absolute favorite + this year I plan to build up my collection of postcards, specifically map cards, from all over the globe. I need to get a new notebook to serve as a record of all my swap + mailing activities, a bigger one this time 😀

So, what are your plans for your pocket-me-time this year? 🙂

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2012 goal #2: learning a new skill

home, motherhood, parenting, learning

I did mention am shying away from New Year’s resolution altogether + will be renaming them as goals or bucket list from here on. + one of the many goals I have in mind is to learn something new this year. A few options come to mind:

  • enroll in a Yoga class is on top of it {I have been meaning to do this since time immemorial but priorities + parenting got in the way :)},
  • learning how to drive, which I have put on hold some years ago when I found out I was pregnant
  • learning a third language which can very well be either French, Italian or Spanish. I love the romance languages + it had been my life-long dream to know how to speak French.
  • enroll in a cooking class. Now this option is by far the most practical, as being a mum, I really need to be dishing out those delicious + nutritious meals for my kiddo. But since money is also a big factor, I am thinking of sticking to watching cooking shows + buying cookbooks + cooking publications for now.
Learning is a life-long process + I believe that it is very important that I strive to learn something new everyday. Not only will I be able to pass it on to the little man when it’s time, but it is also a great exercise for my brain. I remember when I had to have an impromptu quickbooks training when I was hired as a cashier in my previous job. Back then, no quickbooks training online were available on hand that I had to learn the ropes as I used the system each day on the job. I only had a few days to practice before the store opens + I was glad that my brain is in tip top running condition to take all the information overload in 🙂
It was timely that I chanced upon this post the other day whilst I was browsing through sites online. I found out that Stanford University is offering free online lessons. Yes, the famous university where Chuck went + was kicked out, remember? I just had to check it out + what do you know, I find one subject interesting enough for me + hit the enroll button. If you’d ask why I chose Anatomy among all the subjects listed, well, anything technical has lesser appeal to me, + I reckon Anatomy is the most handy subject for a mum to learn 🙂

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