Sunday Stealing: The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 2

Cheers to all of us thieves!

16. What was the last thing you did that was totally selfish, yet you feel no guilt?

If going online for the longest time without giving anybody  their turn is selfish, then it had to be it, I felt no guilt, since I’ve been trying to pick up where I left off with my blogging backlogs + whatnot!

17. Tell us about a film fave of yours that we probably have not seen.

I really love this film, Dead Poet Society, it is an old one + if I am lucky you might not have seen it. It starred Robin Williams + Ethan Hawke (who is just a little boy here). It was heart-warming + very inspiring flick, come to think of it, I haven’t seen it again + would love to watch it again soonest. I’ll try downloading a copy online:)

18. When was the last time you kissed someone that you shouldn’t have on the lips?

I never was a kissing bandit + will never be.

19. When was the last time you cooked something for someone not in your family?

I don’t think someone other than my family will appreciate my cooking, I really need more practice before I attempt to do this.

20. When was the last time you danced like a crazy person?

A couple of days back to make my son smile 🙂

21. When was the last time you just wanted to be invisible?

Yesterday, when Jared threw up in a public pool, but I guess people do understand since he’s still a baby + all!

22. When was the last time you got a gift you absolutely hated?

I really hated receiving gifts I can’t use, so you can just imagine how I hated it when I received a mug for the 3rd time. You can only use so many mugs all at the same time, right? 🙁

23. When was the last time you got into a physical fight? (If NEVER, let us know about a time that you got close to a fight.)

I never got into any physical fight + I’d probably never will…Ahimsa..ahimsa…

24. When was the last time you had to sleep with a light on?

We normally sleep with the night lamp on, as I can’t stand it when it’s pitch black, plus it’s handy when you have a little child in the room.

25. When was the last time you were under some serious stress?

Being a mum, I guess am always in serious stress, but I fight it off with a smile, a laugh, + a kiss + a hug from my baby 😉

26. When was the last time you watched your favorite movie?

It was never really my favorite, but when I saw Fast + the Furious, it became my instant fave. I wrote about it here 😉

27. What song did you most recently downloaded?

I haven’t downloaded any song in awhile. But I’d love to download that song by Katherine McPhee with Zachary Levy in it.

28. What would you say is your favorite hobby?

I really enjoy blogging (I think that is a given :)) + I’ve just recently discovered postcrossing + will be featuring my postcards in my future posts here.

29. What is your favorite thing to do when you hang out with friends?

I’d love to watch movies with friends, or simply hang out over a cup of coffee or a sumptuous meal + catch up on each others lives.

30. What would you rather do: shower or bathe with that celebrity that you are crushing on?

This is so very adolescent + I am way past that stage.  Simply hanging out in the backstage after my crush’s concert would suffice 🙂

Love + Light,

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saturday 9: my best friend's wedding

1. Have you ever lost a friend after he/she got married?

I guess it sort of comes with a territory that when one gets married, he/she would lose most of his/her freedom to go out with friends more often, in that case I think I did lose some friends, but we manage to keep in touch through occasional SMS or through Facebook.

2. Do you make friends easily?

I guess I do make friends fairly easy.

3. Do you have many close friends?

I have quite a few close friend from College + from my previous work ,but, being tied to the house most of the time since I became a s-a-h-m, I see them very seldom + tries to keep in touch, as much as I could, through text + other means.

4. Tell us about your oldest friend.

My oldest friend is my highschool bestfriend, Rochel, we’ve been friends since 1991, so you do the math 😉

5. Tell us about your newest friend.

I’d say my newest friend is my mommy blogger friend, Vance (whose having an awesome giveaway in her blog, by the way ;)). I met her when I attended a blogger event for the first time October of last year, + we sort of hit it of well. We’ve been friends since then + have met many times in other events, too.

6. Do you hang out with your friends often, or just occasionally when you can find time?

I do it occasionally, when all of us find the time

7. What’s the furthest you’ve traveled to visit (or vacation with, etc.) a friend?

The farthest I’ve been on vacation with a friend would have to be Puerto Galera, I went there with Jared’s dad with my friends, Tintin (with other friends) + Janine a few years back.

8. What’s the biggest or best thing a friend has ever done for you?

I’d say when a friend makes it a point to keep in touch, whatever means possible. I find it really touching when my College friend, Beejay, never fails to keep our communication lines open despite the distance. She lives across the miles + we’ve kept in touch through e-mails + letters.

9. What’s the worst or most hurtful thing that a friend (or an ex-friend) has done to you?

To spread nasty rumors about me behind my back, it’s totally unforgivable!

Love + Light,

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weekend blog followers caravan 12

Weather’s been unpredictable yet again, yesterday it was all so summer hot, then it turned gloomy + rainy later in the afternoon.  This morning, looking out the window when i woke up, I was thinking it’ll be cloudy + rainy the whole day again, dang it! But what do you know, later in the afternoon, the sun is up + scorching again!

Anyway, sorry about my ill-fitting rendition of a weather forecast, this mum has no intentions of being the next weather girl, just so you know 😉

On to the task at hand (sorry for the very long preamble!), glad that I came across WBFC’s 12th edition post when I decided to peek into my computer, for a very insy-winsy bit of time last night (early Sunday morning really).  I was bone-tired see, we were out the whole day for a summer outing + I was not able to go online when we got home.  I woke up midnight + did some more chores that I was not able to finish earlier + turned on the PC before I get back to sleeping.

This week it is going to be a Twitter Follow Party! Very timely if you’d ask me, since I made a Twitter account very recently (yes, I finally succumbed to creating one ;)) to join sis Cherry’s Swatch giveaway + my account is so lonely, it is in dire need of friends + followers. I also didn’t get around to placing a Twitter badge here in my blog, but am sure is working on that. I’ve just recently linked up this baby to my Twitter account, too! So, if you’d be kind enough, please follow me at:!/vixquips

I’ll be sure to return the follow so kindly leave your comments here, too!

That’s about it, hope you feel free to look around here too, as for me I’ll be off to tinker on my posts to update this baby.

For more of Twitter follow just check this week’s edition of Weekend Blog Follower Caravan or simply click on the badge up there 😉

Love + Light,

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