Not just for stay at home dads

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blogging, world wide web
Maybe the thought of bloggers brings to mind an image of a person sitting all day at their computer, discussing anything and everything that comes to mind? Maybe people picture stay at home mums with nothing better to do than enjoy coffee mornings with their other mum friends, doing a little bit of light housework before sitting back with a cuppa and getting to work on the latest post for their mummy blog? Rarely do we think that the blogger works full time, has perhaps more than one job, spends as much of their spare time as possible with their kids and who blogs quickly in what might just be the only spare 5 minutes they have had all day. And rarely do we think that the blogger is the dad.

Mum blogs like mine have been popular for many years, but now dads are getting to have their say too. Dad’s blog about everything from their lives, to their kids, the latest gadgets, the best boys holiday they had and of course family days out and other wonderful family times they have enjoyed. Dads have their own niche market in the blogosphere, a place where they can talk boys stuff until their hearts are content. Topics up for discussion on these manly daddy blogs include outdoor activities that are fun for the whole family, latest gadget reviews and computer games, funny stories of family life as seen from the dad’s perspective and much much more. is a newer blog with only a few postings so far, but it is one to put on the watch list as it is set to become really popular. As the name of the blog suggested it is all things outdoors and totally family orientated. If camping trips are your thing then this blog could be just for you, if not well, maybe you should give it a try, for the kids’ sake, I am sure they will love you for it.

Dominic Holland is a very busy man as witnessed by his postings on He is not only a writer but a comedian and a dad too, phew, how he finds time to blog is a mystery, I am tired just thinking about it. He also discusses his son and how he outshines his own celebrity status which is a nice easy read for anyone with a busy lifestyle. discusses almost everything. From the latest news reports and offering up his own opinions on current affairs, to wonderful anecdotes about his family life, daddacool is pretty much that – cool. As a dad to 3 kids he loves nothing more than to share the goings on of his household to everyone interested enough to read.

A single parent is no longer just the realm of the mother as is blindingly obvious by the blog He shares his parenting tips and restaurant reviews, and is a great all round blog that is easy to read.

Daddy blogs are not only a great read for dads, I also enjoy them, it makes a change for me and the kids are always surprised when I can talk knowledgeably about the latest shoot-‘em up release or the online multiple role playing games- so thanks daddy blogs, you earn me a few cool points with the kids.

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