We’re Donning Batman Again This Year!

Halloween, mum's thoughts, Jared, Jared's nook

That is right! My little man is going to be the Caped Crusader for two years in a row! I have just taken out his Batman costume from last year’s Halloween out of his closet to get it ready for this year’s Trick or Treat action, and am so relieved to see that it still fits!  There are a couple of Trick or Treat events happening in our city and we have yet to decide where to attend. In addition, we will also be having a Halloween party at his playschool and his tita‘s office, so the little man and his Batman costume will be very busy in the coming weeks.

I opted to give his old costume another spin as it is more economical to recycle it, instead of buying him a new one. I would’ve wanted to put together another costume so he won’t have to wear the same thing to two different events, but sadly, I am not really that creative and to make something brilliant, I should have planned it ages ago!

Oh well, the little man is simply excited to be donning his caped costume again, so I think I made a good decision. He cannot wait to wear it, in fact, that the minute he saw it out of his closet, he just have to put it on while watching his favorite cartoon on the telly! 😀

So, who will you be come Halloween?

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5 Things You Probably Did Not Know About My 4-Year Old

mum's thoughts, Jared, Jared's nook, blogging contest, giveaway alert
a photo of my little man earlier this year when we took a Manila Bay cruise

For Bebengisms Birthday Cyber Party…

My little man is my pride and joy and my source of infinite happiness. I know that he has been the topic of numerous posts here {what can I say he is my favorite subject and I am such a doting mum! :heart:}, but I bet out of all the stuff I have written about my 4-year old, you probably did not know much about these things:

  1. He absolutely loves everything pancit! He is such a picky eater and will not eat most of the things I cook for him, but serve  him anything that has noodles in it and it will surely be an instant hit! He loves noodles in every form: pancit canton, miswa, bihon and what-have-yous. I do not know where he got this penchant for pancit as even though I love eating noodles from time to time, it is not really one of my most favorite food.
  2. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is his current obsession. That is right, for the meantime his beloved Lightning McQueen and his gang have to take the backseat as these green reptiles take front and center in our living room. Ever since we bought  this set of the turtles action figure as a gift for his birthday, they are inseparable. He’d play with them from sun up to sun down and would ask me to fix Leonardo’s katana or Michelangelo’s sais in their three-pronged hands from time to time. I really cannot complain, the turtles used to be my fave when I was little, too! 😀
  3. He loves music and singing. Jared has been appreciating music long before he can even speak a word. When he was just a baby he was humming the music I played for him every night before he goes to sleep or the upbeat classical tunes and nursery rhymes we played during daytime. He is prone to bursting into a song out-of-the-blue and can easily pick up the melodies of songs he just heard. I simply love it when he sings those beautiful OPM classics he hears from the soaps on the telly. When he is a bit bigger I will enroll him in a voice and piano lesson and would ask his tito to teach him how to play the flute. 
  4. My little man might be ambidextrousEven his teacher noticed that when he colors he’d begin with his right hand but would switch to his left half-way through. I am not sure if his right hand gets tired easily that is why he tends to give it a break. He uses his right hand when tracing so I am not certain whether he’d grow up to be right-handed or a leftie. Either way, I have no complaints, lefties are such creative lots. 

    mum's thoughts, Jared, Jared's nook, blogging contest, giveaway alert
    at last year’s Juniorpreneur in Tiendesitas
  5. He loves animalsJared is fascinated with animals and would often be curious about the stray cats taking refuge in our garage that is why I make it a point to bring him to the zoo whenever we can or take him to places where he can see animals, like the Manila Ocean Park, for example. We do not have pets as of yet, but I will be sure to get him one when he is a bit bigger. A dog or a hamster is at the top of my list, while I do not consider getting a cat simply because they freak me out! 

This is my entry for Bebengisms’ Birthday Cyber Party. If you want to join or for more details about this contest, simply visit this post: https://www.bebengisms.com/2013/09/bebengisms-birthday-cyber-party.html

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Happy 4th Birthday Jared!

Four years ago I fell in love with a chinky-eyed little charmer and I have never been the same…

I had no idea what was in store for me when I became a mum four years ago and nothing have prepared me for my most profound experience ever. Being a mother to my little man was the happiest day of my life. He was my most beautiful blessing from heaven and he gave me the gift of joy, of life, of knowing how wonderful it is to have an all-access pass to the unfolding of another beautiful creation.

Jared is my most precious gift from God and he taught me what pure unconditional love is all about. He continue to teach me a little something about myself each day and he taught me invaluable lessons about life and living. He has touched my heart in more ways than I have ever expected and I will be eternally grateful. Thank you for coming into my life son. Thank you for giving me the privilege to be your mum.

It has been four glorious years. Sure the trip was never easy and I assure you that we will encounter a lot of challenges and problems along the way, but let me tell you that I am glad that I am taking this journey with you. I cannot imagine it any other way. It was worth everything that I have been through and everything that I have suffered. Know that  I will go through all of it over again because I will get to be with you in the end.

I love you son and I will always do. Know that I will always be here for you as long as you need me and if that fateful day comes when you can be on your own and will no longer need me, I will make sure to find ways to stick around! 🙂

On your birthday, I wish you happiness. I wish for you to grow up to be a kind, gentle, generous and loving man. But most importantly, I wish for you to enjoy life to the fullest and do not forget to smile and laugh! :heart:

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